If you were injured in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. A New Orleans slip and fall injury lawyer from our team can help you determine who was liable in your slip and fall accident and pursue the damages you may be entitled to.
Let Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers help you seek compensation for medical bills, lost pay, and other damages caused by a negligent property owner. You owe us nothing unless and until we recover compensation on your behalf.
What is Your Slip and Fall Case Worth?
In personal injury cases, there are multiple factors to consider when you or your lawyer calculates your potential compensation. Your settlement should help make up for the financial hardships you and your family experienced because of this slip and fall accident. Your injury lawyer will use your injuries and prognosis to value your damages.
The following are some of the types of damages you may be entitled to recover. This is not an exhaustive list, and each case is unique. That is why you are encouraged to call our slip and fall accident attorneys to learn more about potential compensation in New Orleans.
Medical Damages
A slip and fall injury can easily result in hefty medical bills. Even with insurance, these bills can add up and cause a financial burden for any family. Your compensation can help cover the cost of your medical bills and alleviate that financial hardship.
Lost Wages
If your injury requires a long recovery, you may miss work for an extended period. Your compensation can help make up for any lost income related to your accident.
Lost Earning Potential
An injury that leaves lasting effects may also affect your ability to work in the future. If a slip and fall injury prevents you from advancing in your career, working in the same field, working for the same number of hours per week, or working at all, it will create financial problems for your family. Our lawyers will consider this impact when calculating your compensation.
Loss of Enjoyment
If an injury prevents you from participating in an activity that you once enjoyed, like a hobby or sport, this loss of enjoyment can be part of your compensation.
Loss of Consortium
If your injuries prevent you from marital relations (including your ability to have biological children), result in a loss of companionship, or otherwise impact your relationship with your spouse, a lawyer can include this loss with your other damages.
Pain and Suffering
These damages cover any other pain and suffering resulting from the slip and fall, including the physical and emotional pain and discomfort associated with your injuries. Emotional pain includes PTSD, loss of enjoyment, and mental anguish, among others.
Wrongful Death
If your loved one passes away due to injuries suffered in a slip and fall, you may be able to pursue wrongful death damages. Surviving spouses and children have priority when seeking wrongful death compensation in Louisiana.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWhat a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer Does for You
While our injury lawyers cannot guarantee a specific outcome, you can be sure of one thing: Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers will fight for you and act as your advocate while seeking financial recovery in an accident in New Orleans. We will do the legal work while you focus on healing and getting your life back.
Slip and fall accidents are part of a personal injury area known as premises liability. Premises liability means that a property owner may be held liable when anyone is injured on their property.
Louisiana has specific premises liability laws that our lawyers understand and can apply to support your case. Here are a few of the many client-centered services you receive when you select our law firm:
An Assigned Lawyer Handles All Legal Aspects of Your Case
Your lawyer will promptly start the legal process, so you don’t miss your chance to pursue damages. Once the process begins, we will meet all deadlines while keeping you up to date on all new developments.
We Identify Liable Parties
Your attorney will name liable parties and show how their negligence led to your slip and fall. Whether it is a property owner or someone in charge of maintaining the property, your lawyer will show that one or more of these parties should be held responsible for your injuries.
Parties who may be liable in a slip and fall accident case in New Orleans include:
- Property owner
- Facility owner (if different)
- Facility management companies
- Maintenance companies or contractors
We Interview Witnesses and Gather Evidence to Support Your Case
We will also help gather any evidence that could help you make your case. This may include:
- Photos or videos of the scene
- Eyewitness statements
- Accident reports
We Speak with Your Medical Care Providers
We will take the time to learn more about your injuries and what your recovery looks like. If you will have lasting effects, that should be known and factored in when coming up with a compensation amount. An attorney can secure medical test results, doctor notes, and other documentation that shows proof of your injuries from the slip and fall accident.
We Determine Fair Compensation
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers considers your economic hardship and pain and suffering to calculate fair compensation. Then we will fight for that compensation and a fair outcome in court if necessary.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWhy You Should Act Fast to Seek Compensation
There are many reasons to act quickly when you suffer a slip and fall injury. There are several reasons to begin the legal process as quickly as possible, as listed below.
Louisiana Deadline for Personal Injury Lawsuits
Per CC Art. 3492, you have just two years to file a personal injury lawsuit in Louisiana. The same limit applies to wrongful death suits, per CC Art. 2315.2. If you do not act quickly, you may not get the chance to pursue damages.
Gather Evidence While it is Available
To make your case, you need evidence. Gathering that evidence is easier if you act quickly. The memories of eyewitnesses can fade. Security footage from the scene can be deleted or lost. It is in your best interest to begin the process quickly to make the best possible legal argument for why you deserve compensation.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientDo You Have a Valid Slip and Fall Case in New Orleans, Louisiana?
Just because you suffered a slip and fall on someone else’s property does not mean you are automatically entitled to recover damages from that person. To avoid wasting time, it is important to know what actually composes a valid slip and fall case in New Orleans and Louisiana.
What is a Slip and Fall Accident?
Slip and fall accidents result from hazardous or defective conditions. They may result from these dangerous conditions on someone else’s property or their “premises.” Consequently, slip and falls are often classified under premises liability. Getting hurt from a slip (or trip) and fall on someone else’s property does not necessarily equate to a slip and fall claim for compensation.
Proving Negligence in a Slip and Fall Accident
You must meet certain requirements to succeed in a slip and fall injury claim. You and your New Orleans slip and fall attorney need to prove that the at-fault party was negligent. You may have a compensable slip and fall claim in Louisiana if:
- The owner knew about the dangerous conditions and did not fix them.
- The owner should have known about the dangerous or defective conditions and taken measures to prevent harm to others.
- The owner’s direct actions or inaction led to the accident.
Your slip and fall case must also show that you had a legal reason to be on the premises when the accident occurred and that the unsafe condition was not obvious to you or another reasonable person. If the danger was clear, you may be considered at fault. Sharing the fault can affect your personal injury claim in New Orleans, Louisiana. Under the state’s pure contributory negligence law (CC 2323), your compensation can be reduced by your portion of the blame.
If the defendant or their insurance company can show that you should have seen the danger and avoided it, they may avoid paying the full amount of your damages.
Lastly, you and your slip and fall lawyer serving New Orleans must show that the at-fault party’s negligent actions led to your injury. A common defense strategy in slip and fall cases is to claim the victim was already hurt before the accident. The insurance company may allege that your injuries are pre-existing; therefore, even if the property owner was negligent, you did not suffer harm because of it.
Seeing a Doctor May Help Your Slip and Fall Case
Seeing a doctor is paramount to your health and your slip and fall injury claim. Seek medical attention immediately upon noticing anything wrong after the fall. Slip and fall injuries can be catastrophic, especially if you hit your head. Further, some injuries may not reveal themselves until some time has passed and could be worse than you realize. Having your injuries documented with an official diagnosis or treatment supports your injury claim.
A slip and fall attorney at our law firm can determine if negligence caused your fall and collect the evidence to prove it.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientCall Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers for Help With Your New Orleans Slip and Fall Claim
If you were injured in a slip and fall accident in the Crescent City and would like to know more about your legal options, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. Our lawyers serving New Orleans will protect your rights and seek money damages on your behalf. Get your free consultation today.