T-bone collisions are situations where a car receives an impact on the side panel from the front of another vehicle. The force in these crashes can be extreme. It is not unusual for T-bone crash victims to require extensive medical care, emotional health counseling, and time off work to make their best recovery.
Unfortunately, recovering from a T-bone crash can place you in a difficult position financially. You may be wondering who will pay for your medical care or reimburse you for lost wages. If another driver’s negligence caused your accident, they might be responsible for making these payments. However, it falls to you to prove their liability during settlement negotiations with insurance companies or while in court.
A New Orleans T-bone crashes lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is prepared to take the lead in your case. Our firm can explain your rights under the law, demonstrate how another party’s poor driving violated those rights, evaluate how the incident has impacted your life, and demand proper compensation every step of the way.
Our car accident team is ready to talk with you today. Give us a call at (504) 777-7777 for your free consultation.
Common Scenarios That May Lead to T-Bone Collisions
A T-bone crash describes a situation where the front of one driver’s vehicle comes into contact with the side of another vehicle at a 90-degree angle. As a result, most of these incidents occur in intersections. For example, Car A may start to move through the intersection with a green light, but Car B proceeds from a side street, ignoring a red light. In these cases, the chances of a T-bone crash are high.
However, the fact that an incident resulted in a T-bone is never certain proof of liability for a personal injury case. Injured people must still demonstrate that another party’s violation of the law or carelessness was the primary cause of the incident.
For instance, evidence that another driver ignored a stop sign and entered an intersection is proof that that driver’s negligence caused the accident. A New Orleans T-bone crashes lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you prove negligence and liability when we represent you.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientParties Seeking Compensation After a Crash Need to Know the Law
Parties who are at fault for a T-bone crash may be liable to provide compensation to all accident victims. However, certain parts of the law may make the recovery of payments difficult. A clear example is the state’s law concerning comparative fault.
Whenever two or more people are involved in an accident, a jury must evaluate the actions of every party and assign blame accordingly, per CC Art. 2323. Then, the jury must reduce the award that they present to an injured person by their percentage of the blame. For example, if a jury believes that Ms. “A” carried 40% of the blame in a T-bone collision, that jury will only award Ms. “A” 60% of her total compensation.
Another important law to understand after car accidents is the statute of limitations. This is a law that controls how long a party has to submit a lawsuit for their injury. Under CC Art. 3492, the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Louisiana is typically two years from the date of the injury.
Contact the legal professionals at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (504) 777-7777 to start getting help on your case today.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientPursuing Every Case for Its Full Value
It is impossible to predict the ways in which a T-bone crash will affect a person’s life. Every person is unique, and an accident that may leave one person with barely a scratch may result in life-altering injuries for another. As a result, the law says that an at-fault driver is liable to provide compensation for all necessary medical care, no matter how extensive that care may be.
This may include:
- A ride in an ambulance
- Emergency room care
- Surgery
- Hospitalization
- Rehabilitation
- Medications
Of course, a physical injury is not the only way in which an accident may affect a person’s life. Many people find that the emotional aspect of the incident is just as severe as the physical injuries. Parties who endure pain, experience flashbacks, or who need to seek out counseling can all claim these reductions in their quality of life as losses in their cases.
Finally, another common component in most accident cases is lost income. If a crash has left you unable to return to work while making your recovery, you can demand compensation for these lost wages. In the most extreme examples, accidents can result in permanent disabilities.
A New Orleans T-bone crashes lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you evaluate how an accident has changed your life and seek out fair payments from at-fault drivers and their insurance companies.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientPeople Injured in T-Bone Crashes May Deserve Compensation to Set Things Right
T-bone collisions can result in life-changing injuries. Peoples’ necks, shoulders, hips, and heads are especially vulnerable in these crashes. However, the extent of a person’s injuries and the fact that the crash was a T-bone are not indicators of fault. Injured people generally must still prove that another party’s inattentiveness or failure to follow the rules of the road led to the collision in order to recover compensation.
A New Orleans T-bone crashes lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is ready to perform a full investigation into your accident, measure your losses, and demand full payments from at-fault parties within the time limits prescribed by law.
In New Orleans, injured people have only two years from the date of an injury to demand payment. The legal professionals at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers are ready to get to work for you. Reach out to our staff today at (504) 777-7777 for your free consultation.