If you or a loved one were injured in a motor vehicle accident, you do not have to tolerate the financial consequences that someone else caused. A New Orleans improperly loaded cargo lawyer can help you fight for the compensation you need to recover from your accident-related losses.
Give Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers a call at (504) 777-7777. We work on a contingency-fee-basis, so you do not have to worry about paying any attorney’s fees unless you are awarded damages.
Multiple Parties May Be at Fault for an Improperly Loaded Cargo Accident
Figuring out who is legally liable (i.e., who you can sue) for your car accident is not always easy. If your accident was caused by improperly loaded cargo, you might assume the fault lies with the person who loaded the cargo. However, other factors may have contributed to the cause of the accident, which might not have been immediately apparent. For example, if a defect in the car itself led to the improper loading procedure, you may be able to sue the auto manufacturer.
Other potentially liable parties for an improperly loaded cargo accident might include:
- The driver
- The driver’s employer
- The auto maintenance company
- The road maintenance company
Before you can file a lawsuit, you must find out who was responsible for your accident. A New Orleans improperly loaded cargo lawyer can help you determine the liable party or parties by investigating your accident. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (504) 777-7777 to begin working on your case.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientA Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Fight for Compensation
Car accidents cost a lot of money. According to Louisiana State University’s Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation, accidents resulting in serious injuries cost victims over half a billion dollars in 2019, while fatal accidents cost nearly $1.2 billion. However, these figures do not take into account the mental and physical price that accident victims also face.
As an accident victim, you might be entitled to collect compensation for your losses. Below is a brief summary of the damages you may be owed. For more information, you can talk to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers about your case.
Economic Damages
If your accident placed a financial burden on you and your family, you might be entitled to receive economic damages. Economic damages include any and all money you lost due to crash-related events, such as:
- Repair bills: Your vehicle needed fixing or replacing. You may also be able to get compensation for the cost of renting a car if you needed to do so.
- Medical bills: You sought any sort of medical treatment after the accident. This may include hospital visits, surgeries, medical tests, medication, assistive devices, and rehabilitation.
- Lost income: Your accident and/or your injuries caused you to miss work.
Non-Economic Damages
Economic damages can be onerous, but they might pale in comparison to the physical injuries and emotional distress that severe or tragic car accidents may cause. Noneconomic damages may include:
- Pain and suffering: You sustained a physically painful or psychologically scarring injury.
- Loss of quality of life: Your injury prevents you from living independently or participating in activities you once enjoyed.
- Loss of companionship: You lost a loved one in the accident, forcing you to lose the support and affection they gave you.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHow a New Orleans Improperly Loaded Cargo Lawyer Can Help
You might be in serious need of compensation. However, getting it can be a long and difficult process. Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers wants to help you in any way we can. If you choose our law firm to work with you, we aim to handle your personal injury case by:
Getting to the Bottom of Things
Car accidents can be confusing or even traumatizing events. For many people, remembering every aspect of how an accident occurred can be difficult. Even if you do remember many details about the crash, other factors might still be unknown to you until an investigation is done. For example, was the other driver influenced by drugs or alcohol? Did their vehicle have a faulty part that contributed to the crash? Was the driver distracted in some way?
Your lawyer may investigate your accident to determine its cause. This may include visiting the scene, locating witnesses (and, if possible, obtaining photos or recordings from them), and gathering evidence, like medical records or police reports.
Sorting Out the Details
A lawyer can help you quantify your damages—that is, figure out how much your injuries are “worth” so that you can sue for that amount. They may also review any settlement offer the insurance company makes and advise you on whether it meets your demands.
In addition, your settlement may or may not be taxable, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Your lawyer can help you sort out these kinds of financial details.
Negotiating on Your Behalf
In many cases, the liable party’s insurance company will agree to meet for negotiations rather than force you to go directly to trial. However, negotiating comes with its own set of challenges. The insurance company might be armed with lawyers of their own to help the company avoid paying beyond their policy minimums.
A lawyer can represent you at negotiations so that you do not have to face a big insurance company alone. They can argue on your behalf and, if necessary, in the courtroom.
Going to Court
While many cases do not go to court, your lawyer is more than willing to represent you at a trial if that becomes necessary. They may present arguments, examine witnesses, and submit evidence to a judge in a timely fashion.
At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we know how difficult it is to come back from any injury. Let us protect your rights and fight for the compensation that you need to return to your life. A New Orleans improperly loaded cargo lawyer can take on your legal burden, allowing you the chance to recover in peace. To get started, call the office at (504) 777-7777.