A truck can cause serious damage if involved in an accident. This is why there are strict federal and state regulations for truck drivers to help keep the roads safe. These rules include a ban on substances that could impact the truck driver’s ability to operate the vehicle. If you were injured by the actions of an intoxicated truck driver, contact a Lafayette truck driver intoxication accident lawyer. A seasoned truck collision attorney could fight for you right to compensation.
Prevalence of Truck Collisions Caused by Intoxicated Drivers in Lafayette
Intoxication is one of the many contributing causes of truck accidents in Lafayette. The total number of truck crashes that are related to intoxication cannot be quantified if the cause of intoxication is not determined at the scene of the wreck. Therefore, it is essential to gather evidence as soon as possible. One of the keys to preserving the cause of action is to ensure that the police officer conducts some type of sobriety test on the driver. This could include drug testing, intoxication testing, blood testing, Breathalyzer, or a field sobriety test. A Lafayette truck driver intoxication accident lawyer has experience in which type of evidence to look for in a truck collision case. This is why it is important for injured victims to reach out to a dedicated attorney as soon as possible.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientDangers of Driving While Intoxicated
When someone is driving intoxicated, they are increasing the likelihood of an accident. Drunk drivers are less likely to perceive an event in time to avoid it. Also, intoxicated individuals could take longer to take corrective action while on the road. This is because their perception and reaction time are both going to be delayed.
When a driver is extremely intoxicated, they may never have the perception to react to the event at all. Therefore, the driver may run off the side of the road or hit another vehicle and never realize that there was a vehicle in its path.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientFrequently Seen Substances in Truck Accidents
The most frequently seen substances in an intoxicated driver are alcohol and prescription drugs since these items are more available to the public. While it may be easier for someone to get their hands on alcohol and prescription drugs, they may not always be used for their intended legal purpose. The prescription drugs seen in these cases range from opiates, stimulants, and anti-depressants. The opiates could be hydrocodone or oxycodone. Stimulants may include Adderall. Anti-depressants can include Xanax or Klonopin. While these are examples of commonly seen prescription drugs, it is not uncommon for street drugs to be the substance at issue. This includes heroin, cocaine, or some other type of drug. A Lafayette truck driver intoxication attorney could explain how the different substances can leave a driver intoxicated and how this may impact their driving.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientSubstance Abuse Impact on Driving
Xanax, opiates, alcohol, or other depressants can decrease an individual’s ability to react as fast as they normally would if they were sober. These drugs could also increase the likelihood that the driver may fall asleep at the wheel or blackout. They decrease the ability of not only to perceive and react but also to stay awake.
With drugs similar to Adderall or cocaine, they are stimulants and they make someone more active. Stimulants can cause a person to stay up longer and drive longer without getting the appropriate amount of sleep that the body needs.
If you were injured in an accident that was caused by an intoxicated truck driver, you may be entitled to compensation. Call a Lafayette truck driver intoxication accident lawyer.