Commercial trucks can cause debilitating injuries because of their large size and weight. However, liability insurance companies usually defend against these injury claims aggressively. You do not have to fight this battle alone. A Lake Charles truck accident lawyer can help you pursue the money damages you deserve.
Three Things to Do After Getting Injured in a Commercial Truck Accident in Lake Charles, LA
If you got injured in a commercial truck accident that was not your fault, you might wonder what steps you should take to protect your health and legal rights. The exact steps will vary from one case to another because each injury claim is unique. However, it could help to know a few general pointers for these situations:
- Make sure law enforcement comes to the accident scene and files a report. The police report will carry significant weight on issues like causation. If the at-fault driver later tries to deny liability for the crash, you will be grateful that you have an official police report supporting your story. Also, take photographs or videos at the accident scene if possible. Cell phone photos are perfectly acceptable for this purpose.
- Seek medical care. Go straight from the accident scene to the emergency room, doctor’s office, or urgent care center. The medical professionals should state in their records how recent your wounds are and link them to the crash. It will be difficult for the at-fault party to deny your injuries when they are documented in your medical file.
- Start working with a commercial truck accident lawyer in Lake Charles, LA. Your lawyer will want to collect evidence right away before it disappears. It is best to start an investigation soon after the accident. Also, Louisiana law has one of the shortest personal injury lawsuit filing deadlines in the United States. You do not want to miss out on the compensation you deserve due to missing this deadline.
Of course, you must take many additional steps after getting injured in a commercial truck collision. These suggestions are merely a starting point to help you.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientFactors That Can Affect Your Settlement Amount After a Lake Charles Commercial Truck Accident
There are no “average” or “default” settlement amounts for motor vehicle accident injury claims in Louisiana. Your settlement amount will depend on many different factors. For example, your injuries may even be much more severe than those of the others injured in the same accident. The type of healthcare services you need to treat your wounds and the cost of those services will also be factors.
Additionally, some people heal better than others. One person might breeze through recuperation, while another faces a lifetime of impairments from their injuries.
After suffering significant injuries in a commercial truck accident, you need to know that the Lake Charles commercial truck accident attorney who handles your injury claim has a record of winning substantial verdicts and settlements for their injured clients. Here are a few examples of recoveries we have won for our clients:
- $5,250,000.00 – Auto accident resulting in a brain injury
- $5,000,000.00 – Judgment for a paralyzed driver
- $2,700,000.00 – Settlement for an 18-wheeler accident victim
- $1,800,000.00 – Settlement for an 18-wheeler accident victim
Your financial recovery might be different, depending on your case’s unique facts and circumstances.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientFour Pitfalls That Could Decrease Your Settlement Amount After a Commercial Truck Accident in Lake Charles, LA
Many things could go wrong after a commercial truck accident, potentially taking money out of your pocket in terms of the amount of compensation you could otherwise receive. Here are a few examples of mistakes that could harm the economic value of your injury case:
1. Missing the Statute of Limitations
Letting the statute of limitations pass can derail your case before it begins. Louisiana law only gives you two years, under CC 3493.1, to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for personal injuries from an accident that was not your fault.
If your loved one died because of the accident, CC Art. 2315.2 says that you must file your wrongful death lawsuit within two years. If you miss the deadline, the at-fault party might not have any liability toward you.
2. Not Hiring a Lawyer
The claims adjuster for the at-fault party’s insurance company might try to talk you out of having a Lake Charles truck accident lawyer handle your claim. If lawyers were not helpful on these cases, the insurance company would not hire so many of them.
3. Giving a Statement to the Insurance Company
The insurance company will likely ask you to give a recorded statement, particularly if you try to handle your injury claim without an attorney. Recorded statements help the insurance company look for a way to pay you less money than you deserve or even deny your claim.
We recommend that our clients not give recorded statements. You can simply refer the insurance company to your lawyer, and we will take care of it.
4. Accepting a Quick Settlement Offer
The insurer might tempt you with the offer of an early, quick settlement of your claim. However, settling too early could cost you.
You are unlikely to know the true financial value of your injury claim immediately after the accident. If you accept a lowball offer, you cannot go back and ask for more money. Once you sign on the dotted line, your case will be over. For example, if you find out later that you need an additional surgery that the settlement didn’t cover, you will be stuck paying for it out of pocket.
These are but a handful of ways that you might not get paid the amount of compensation you deserve after getting injured because of someone else’s negligence. Working with a Lake Charles truck accident attorney can help you avoid these and other mistakes.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientTypes of Monetary Damages in Lake Charles Commercial Truck Accident Cases
The types of monetary damages you could pursue in your injury claim will depend on your unique circumstances. Common categories of compensation include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, long-term impairment, and disability. When a person loses their life from a truck accident that was not their fault, the family might be eligible for additional compensation through a wrongful death claim or lawsuit.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientHow a Commercial Truck Accident Attorney in Lake Charles, LA, Could Help You Seek Compensation for Your Injuries
You do not have to haggle with the defendant’s insurance company by yourself. Instead, we can fight your legal battles while you focus on your health and well-being. We perform a thorough investigation of every truck accident claim we handle.
Your Lake Charles commercial truck accident lawyer will work directly with the insurance company and negotiate to try to settle your claim for a fair amount. If appropriate, we also take your case to trial.
How to Get Legal Help With Your Louisiana Truck Crash Injury Claim
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers would be happy to talk to you about your commercial truck injury claim. Please reach out to us for a free initial consultation.