The drivers of moving vans have an obligation to follow the rules of the road and keep others safe. Drivers who do not take their responsibilities behind the wheel seriously or moving companies who engage in negligent acts such as lax loading procedures can endanger other travelers on the road.
If you or a loved one has suffered harm because of a moving van accident, the legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers wants to help you. A Lake Charles truck accident lawyer from our firm may be able to investigate the cause of your accident, evaluate how the accident has impacted your life, and seek out compensation for your damages.
Reach out to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777 for a free consultation on your case with a member of our team. If you qualify, we may be able to provide you with representation on a contingency-fee-basis. There are no up-front payments required in this arrangement, and we do not collect attorney fees unless you win your case.
Moving Van Drivers Have an Obligation to Keep You Safe
Getting behind the wheel of any vehicle comes with responsibility. As an exchange for using public roadways, all drivers must obey the rules of the road and not place other people at an unreasonable risk of harm.
This concept applies to the traffic laws that create speed limits, those that require stopping at red lights, and those that prohibit text messaging while driving. Our Lake Charles personal injury lawyers will help you hold accountable any moving van driver who violates these laws.
In addition, other laws place special obligations on commercial drivers, such as those behind the wheels of certain types of moving vans. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), drivers of commercial vehicles carrying property cannot be on the road for more than 11 consecutive hours under certain circumstances. This rule exists to discourage drowsy driving that can occur in a time-sensitive industry such as moving services.
Drivers who violate any rule of the road may be to blame for the resulting accidents. A Lake Charles moving van accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you document the responsible party’s negligence in your accident when we represent you.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientMoving Companies May Share Responsibility for an Accident
If the moving van in your crash was being rented and operated by an individual for private use, they might be personally responsible for your accident. However, if the moving van was being operated by a moving company, different rules may apply.
A concept of law called respondeat superior, or vicarious liability, states that an employer may be responsible for the actions of its employees. Vicarious liability may apply in your case if:
- The driver of the moving van was an employee of the moving company, and
- The driver was acting as an employee at the time of the crash
A moving company may also be liable for accidents caused by their own acts of negligence, such as improperly loaded cargo or a failure to maintain a vehicle.
If there is a dispute about who may be liable for your accident, the legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can step in and defend your rights. If necessary, we can help you pursue multiple parties for compensation.
For a free consultation on your case with a representative of our firm, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientYou May Deserve Compensation for Your Losses
Regardless of the identity of the party who is responsible for the crash that caused your injuries, you may deserve compensation for your accident-related damages. This may require you to demonstrate how the event has impacted your life.
The most obvious impact that a moving van crash can have on your life is a physical injury. Car accident injuries can range in severity from minor scrapes to permanent nervous system damage. Some people may require only a few doctor visits and rehabilitation sessions to make a full recovery. Others may find that the impact of an accident will follow them for the rest of their lives. A comprehensive claim for compensation will evaluate a person’s physical injuries and seek payments for all necessary medical care.
In addition to medical bills, many cases demand payments for emotional traumas. A moving van accident can be a traumatic event. If you suffer from nightmares, are no longer able to enjoy time with family, or experience other forms of post-traumatic stress, you may be able to recover compensation for these changes in your life.
A final common reason to demand compensation is economic losses. When an injury forces you to miss time at work to make your recovery, you may be able to demand payments for lost income. In more serious situations, a victim may be owed payments for permanent disabilities.
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can evaluate how the accident impacted your life and help you request a fair compensation package.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientLet a Lake Charles Moving Van Accident Lawyer Take the Lead
Few events in a person’s life can have as serious an effect as a motor vehicle accident. These incidents can inflict harsh physical injuries and impact your ability to enjoy life or earn an income. When another party is at fault for your crash, you may deserve payments to set things right.
A Lake Charles moving van accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers may be able to help you seek compensation. We manage personal injury insurance claims and lawsuits on behalf of our clients. The legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can handle every part of your case to protect your legal rights while you focus on what matters to you.
Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777 to discuss your case for free with a member of our team.