Garbage trucks perform an essential, invaluable service for our community. However, they are also large and heavy, so they can cause a lot of damage if they are involved in an accident. If you were injured in a garbage truck accident, our Lake Charles truck accident lawyer can help you build a case.
A Lake Charles garbage truck accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you fight for compensation if you were injured in an accident with a garbage truck.
Garbage Truck Accidents Can Upend Your Life
Garbage truck accidents can happen in a variety of ways and affect various people. This includes the truck operators themselves. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lists the most recent fatality reports of garbage truck employees.
In addition to being hit or run over, employees can and have been killed by falling or being thrown from a garbage truck. Our personal injury lawyers in Lake Charles have handled a wide variety of cases.
These accidents can cause any number of injuries, from minor to fatal. Potential injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Mental trauma
- Fractures
- Nerve damage
- Muscle damage
- Death
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers understand how traumatizing truck accidents can be for victims. Rather than adding to your burden by handling a lawsuit alone, let us do the hard work of investigating, filing paperwork, and negotiating a settlement for you. To learn what a Lake Charles garbage truck accident lawyer might be able to contribute to your case, give us a call at (337) 777-7777.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCompensation for Garbage Truck Accidents Might Cover Several Damages
If your accident has impacted your financial stability, you might be eligible to claim economic damages. Common types of economic damages include:
- Medical expenses: Your injuries were serious enough to require treatment. This can include everything from acute care to long-term care.
- Lifestyle expenses: You had to hire help (e.g., a housecleaner or a nanny) for tasks that your injuries prevented you from doing yourself.
- Lost wages: You could not go to work until your injuries healed. This can also include future lost wages if you are still unable to go to work because of your injuries.
- Lost financial support: Your loved one’s untimely death means you have to try to support yourself and your family without their income.
Your injuries might have also impacted your abilities and lifestyle, either temporarily or permanently. They might qualify you for noneconomic damages. Common types of non-economic damages include:
- Disfigurement: Your injuries left scars that affect your physical appearance or abilities.
- Pain and suffering: You had or currently have to live with the physical or emotional consequences of your accident injuries.
- Reduced quality of life: You have had to give up fun activities and/or get help with necessary activities (e.g., bathing or cleaning the house).
- Loss of companionship: Your loved one is no longer around to give you affection or emotional support.
Most damages fall under these two categories. However, the examples mentioned for each are far from a complete list. You can discuss your case with our legal team to get more information about which damages may apply specifically in your case.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientPursuing Compensation from an Insurance Company Requires Preparation
If you are interested in pursuing compensation for your damages, you might be eligible to file a lawsuit. Once you do, you may try to convince the liable party’s insurance company to give you what you need to recover from your losses. This is often easier said than done. Insurance companies do not want to pay any more than they absolutely have to, and they might try to undermine your case to reduce their own payout.
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers understands how these insurance companies work, and we want to put that knowledge to work for you in the following ways.
Prep Work
Before you are officially our client, we are already working for you. During a free, no-obligation case review, we can tell you if you have a case. If you do, we would be happy to launch an independent investigation of your accident.
This investigation might involve looking at police and medical records, speaking with eyewitnesses, and retrieving document evidence. The results might tell us who the liable parties are and how much you might be able to recover in compensation. The evidence we find might also help us prove to the liable party’s insurance company that you really do deserve compensation.
The Lawsuit
Once we have everything we need, we can go ahead and file your lawsuit. The insurance company can respond in one of two ways: by agreeing to negotiate or by refusing to negotiate.
If they agree to negotiate, we can meet with them on your behalf. By presenting evidence from the investigation phase and arguing for a satisfactory pretrial settlement, we might be able to persuade the insurance company to pay the compensation you have asked for.
If they refuse to negotiate or if negotiations do not produce the desired result, your lawyer can arrange for a trial. They can take care of every detail, from scheduling the trial dates to bringing in witnesses to confirm your story.
Your Role
Once you put your case in our hands, you do not have to do any of the difficult tasks described above. You will be free to focus on yourself, your family, and putting your life back together.
However, this does not mean you will not be involved at all. Your lawyer can call you whenever there is any progress with your case and help you make important legal decisions (e.g., when to settle and when to go to court). We also encourage you to contact us if you have any legal questions or concerns.
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers would like to represent you in your fight for compensation. A Lake Charles garbage truck accident lawyer can take the pressure off you by helping you with every aspect of your lawsuit from start to finish. Call our team at (337) 777-7777 for a free case evaluation.