According to the L.A. Rev Stat § 32:58, drivers must operate their motor vehicles in a “careful and prudent manner, so as not to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person.”
If a person drives recklessly, and their actions result in another person’s injuries or property damage, they may be ordered to fulfill community service and have their license suspended. Those who were injured by a reckless driver may be entitled to receive compensation for their injuries and other damages.
Reckless driving can involve speeding, tailgating, being distracted while driving, driving while intoxicated, and many other forms of negligent driving behaviors. Drivers must be careful on the road because they owe other road users a duty of care.
If you or your loved one sustained an injury in a reckless driving accident, an Abbeville reckless driving lawyer wants to help you with your case. Your injuries may have cost you and your family financial, emotional, and physical stress. We want you to know that you may have an opportunity to recover from your losses. Reach out to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today for a free case evaluation at (337) 777-7777.
Reckless Driving Can Range From Speeding to Drunk Driving
Failing to act responsibly or be considerate of other people’s welfare constitutes reckless driving. Many activities qualify as reckless driving in Louisiana, such as:
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
Driving while drunk or under the influence of drugs is not only reckless but deadly. A drunk driver may have impaired judgment, delayed reactions, and impaired vision, among other side effects of alcohol or drug consumption. When a person chooses to get behind the wheel after drinking too much or taking drugs, they endanger other people’s lives on the road.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 9,378 people died in 2018 due to speeding accidents.
Driving over the speed limit is against the law and can result in a speeding ticket. If the car was moving too fast, the driver might also receive a reckless driving charge. Speeding makes it harder for the driver to control their vehicle in the event that an obstacle appears on the road, or they need to suddenly stop.
Distracted Driving
Instances of distracted driving include driving while talking on your cellphone, texting, eating, drinking, trying to change the radio or AC settings, and trying to reach for an object in the backseat of the car. Other passengers or pets in the car can also become distractions to drivers. The danger behind distracted driving is that a distracted driver may not see or react in time to avoid hitting another vehicle, person, bicyclist, motorcyclist, or property.
Failing to Yield Right of Way
Failing to give other drivers or pedestrians space when crossing an intersection is also an instance of reckless driving. A driver must ensure that they allow pedestrians to cross the road anywhere there is a crosswalk. When making turns, drivers must make sure they have the right of way or give right of way when appropriate.
Racing Other Drivers
Racing other road users can put people and property at risk of injury or damage. Racing may involve aggressive and reckless driving behaviors, such as speeding, tailgating, weaving between traffic, cutting people off to merge, and road rage.

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ClientDrivers May Be Penalized for Reckless Driving
Drivers may get penalized if they are charged with reckless driving offenses. Certain reckless driving charges may be classified as a misdemeanor.
Some penalties for reckless driving include:
- Punitive damages
- Jailtime
- Fines
- Community service
- License suspension
The court may decide to punish the reckless driver by ordering them to pay punitive damages to the injured party. Punitive damages are meant to serve as a punishment to at-fault parties in hopes of preventing the offense from recurring. Receiving punitive damages may help you or your loved one recover economic and noneconomic damages caused by the accident.
A first-time offender found guilty of reckless driving may get sentenced up to 90 days in jail. If the driver is a repeat offender, the jail time can increase up to six months. The guilty party may also receive a two-year license suspension if they are repeat offenders who have committed a least three reckless driving offenses within the previous 12 months.
If the reckless driver’s actions were particularly egregious, an Abbeville reckless driving lawyer may argue for the at-fault party to be penalized for causing the accident that harmed you.
Contact our client intake team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers by calling (337) 777-7777. We can give you a free case evaluation and begin working on a plan on how we may pursue compensation on your behalf.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientLet Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers Help You With Your Case
After suffering a reckless driving accident, your priority should be getting help, whether it is medical or legal help. We understand that recovering from a reckless accident can take time and can feel like a struggle, which is why we want to help take the legal pressure off your shoulders and work on your behalf. You can spend time with your family and friends or seek professional help to promote your wellbeing, and we can begin building your case.
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers wants to be there for you and your family throughout the recovery period. Having a lawyer by your side may help you tackle both your health and financial needs at the same time. Your lawyer can help you fight for compensation to cover the costs of treating your injuries and potentially recover other damages.
After suffering a reckless driving accident, contact our legal team. You can discuss the details of your case, and we can plan how to move forward from there. An Abbeville reckless driving lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is ready to serve you. Call us at (337) 777-7777 and get a free case evaluation.