When driving, we might expect that road users will travel with the legal flow of traffic and obey road rules. Still, drivers can be negligent or reckless. They might fail to yield or drive on the wrong side of the road. This behavior can then result in a head-on collision, possibly leading to serious injuries.
If you were hurt in a head-on collision, you do not have to continue suffering how you will be able to pay for your accident-related expenses out of your pocket. Get help from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today, and call (504) 777-7777. A St. Charles Parish head-on collision lawyer can represent you and help you get the compensation you are entitled to collect.
Certain Driving Behaviors Can Lead to Head-On Collisions
There could be multiple reasons as to why a driver causes a head-on collision. Regardless of the reason, they should be held accountable for their actions. Examples of these causes include the following:
Distracted Driving
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 2,800 people died, and about 400,000 were injured in a distracted driving accident in 2018. Head-on collisions can be caused by three types of distractions:
- Visual distractions: These distractions take the driver’s eyes off the road.
- Manual distractions: These distractions influence the driver to take their hands off the steering wheel.
- Cognitive distractions: These distractions take the driver’s attention off driving.
In any of these instances, a driver can easily drift into another lane without realizing and go against oncoming traffic, causing a head-on collision.
Driving Under the Influence
No one is lawfully allowed to operate a vehicle if their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over 0.08 percent. However, some people might still think they are in a good state of mind to drive if they do not “feel” drunk. Driving under the influence of alcohol skews your judgment, compromises your vision, and overall lowers your inhibitions. A drunk driver can easily drift to the wrong side of the road or fail to see another vehicle coming their way, causing a head-on collision.
Driving over the speed limit is not only illegal, but it is also dangerous. When a driver travels 15 or 20 miles over the speed limit, they might not have enough time to stop suddenly, or they might lose control of their car. For example, if a driver is speeding and attempts to pass a vehicle in front of them on a two-way roadway, they might not notice an oncoming vehicle and crash into them head-on.
The above is not an exhaustive list of different causes of a head-on collision. Still, if you were injured in a head-on collision, a St. Charles Parish head-on collision lawyer might be able to help you figure out what happened. Reach out to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers now at (504) 777-7777.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientContributory Negligence
Louisiana is an at-fault state, which means it operates under contributory negligence law. Under the Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §2323, when someone causes an accident that results in your injury or your loved one’s death, the at-fault party’s insurance company may be held responsible for compensating your damages.
However, even if you were partially at fault for the accident, you can still recover your damages. Suppose that the court determines that you are 10 percent at fault for the accident. In that case, you can collect 90 percent of the damages from the other party.
In Louisiana, the lowest liability coverage is $15,000 per injured person and $30,000 for a single accident. Keep in mind that the other driver’s insurance policy might not cover all your damages. If their insurance is coming up short for covering your accident-related expenses, you might want to consider pursuing more compensation and file a personal injury lawsuit.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientYour Case Might Entitle You to Recoverable Damages
Whether you file an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit, you must state that the other driver’s actions left you with injuries and losses. Within that statement, you are holding the other party responsible for paying for your accident-related damages. Some of these damages are listed below.
Medical Bills
If you were rushed to the hospital via ambulance right after your crash, you might be compensated for the cost of the ambulance ride, emergency care treatment, and hospital stay. You may also be compensated for other medical costs, such as costs for doctor’s visits, prescription medication, and rehabilitation, among other forms of medical treatments.
Loss of Income
You might be able to receive compensation if your injuries were debilitating enough that you were temporarily or permanently unable to return to work. If you had to take a lower-paying job to accommodate your disability, you may also qualify for compensation. A lawyer can help you figure how much you would have been paid had you not been injured in the head-on collision.
Pain and Suffering
The head-on collision might have been a mentally and physically devastating experience for you and your family. It might take some time for you to recuperate and get back to your routine. Pain and suffering awards allow you to heal from the injuries and trauma from the accident. This is a non-monetary award, meaning it can be difficult to put a dollar value on it. If you hire an attorney, they can help you determine the value of this damage.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientContact Us Today to Get Started
To file a personal injury lawsuit, you only have a certain amount of time to do so. Under CC §3492, you generally have two years to file these types of lawsuits. If you do not bring your lawsuit in time, there is a chance the court will reject it, even if you qualify. However, a lawyer can help make sure you file your lawsuit by the two-year deadline.
If you or a loved one was injured in a head-on collision, you can get legal help. A St. Charles head-on collision lawyer can help you receive the compensation you need to get back to your life prior to the accident. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (504) 777-7777 today for a free consultation.