A St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you pursue justice against a negligent dog owner. They will work to ensure you get the full compensation you deserve and, if the case proceeds to court, represent you before the judge or jury.
How a Dog Bite Lawyer on Our Team Can Help You
A St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer at our firm is there for more than just helping with filing a case. They will ask questions about all the details regarding your case to get a better understanding of what happened, then use all the information they gather to build your case.
They may have access to more resources than you and can use their influence to get results. Filing a case may require multiple meetings with the responsible party and insurers, but our lawyer can represent you in such meetings, guarding your rights.
You might have many questions regarding your case, its processes, and all applicable laws. Your lawyer is ready to give you all the answers. Other ways a St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer on our team can help you include:
- Gathering evidence
- Following up on your dog bite case
- Sticking to any deadline affecting your case (CC Art. 3492)
- Interviewing witnesses
- Keeping you informed on your case’s progress

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientLiability in St. Charles Parish Dog Bite Cases
In Louisiana, dog owners usually bear the responsibility for their dog’s actions, per CC Art. 2321. This means they are responsible for any injuries and other damages you might get from a dog bite. Your lawyer can help prove liability on the dog owner’s part, especially if they could have prevented the attack.
However, because of a general lack of witnesses in dog bite cases, it might be difficult to prove the owner’s liability. You might need more evidence supporting your case. It might also take longer to come to a settlement if the facts are unclear. Your St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer can help you gather relevant evidence in the meantime to support your claim.
Evidence Supporting a Dog Bite Claim
Dog bites can be hard to prove, especially those occurring on private property. However, this doesn’t mean it is impossible. We will need to put in a little more work to gather the evidence. For example, we might need to find out if there were CCTV cameras in the area that captured the attack.
Working with a St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer on our team can help you get easier access to such evidence. They can also try finding out whether there were witnesses at the scene who can corroborate your claim. Your lawyer can also get you expert witnesses who can recreate the attack to show the possible ways the attack might have happened.
If you reported the case to the police, you could use the police report as proof. The report shows that the attack occurred and that you suffered injuries. Another important piece of documentation is a medical report. It is a written record detailing your injuries and how they came about. Your lawyer can use this evidence to prove that you sustained injuries from the attack. Other evidence you can use includes:
- Pictures you take of your injuries and other damages
- Receipts of medical and property costs after the attack
- Mouth cast from your injury, showing the possible shape of the mouth that caused the injuries.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientRecoverable Damages in a St. Charles Parish Dog Bite Case
A St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer on our team can help you find the total value of your injuries when you pursue compensation. The amount varies depending on the severity of your injuries, the state laws, and other factors. You may be due three types of damages:
Economic Damages
These losses are calculable damages. Your lawyer will look at any tangible losses you incurred from the attack and give them a monetary value. Such damages include:
- Property damages
- Past, ongoing, and future medical expenses
- Loss of income
- Reduced or lost earning potential
- Cost of psychological and physical therapy
Non-Economic Damages
These are intangible damages that are harder to calculate. A St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer at our firm will calculate these damages and assign them a monetary value. They include:
- Psychological trauma
- Scarring and disfigurement
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional anguish
- Permanent disability
Punitive Damages
These damages are more infrequent. However, you might get punitive damages if the law punishes a particularly negligent owner. An example may be an owner who broke the one-bite rule.
You can get punitive damage as a way to discipline a dog owner who didn’t take the necessary measures to prevent the attack. This mostly applies to owners whose dogs have a previous history of attacking people and don’t train or restrain them.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientConsult Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers Today
A St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer at our firm can help you pursue damages for any injuries you incurred from a dog bite at no extra cost to you. Because we work on a contingency-fee basis, you only pay our lawyers once they get you results and not before.
Contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today to start working with our St. Charles Parish dog bite lawyer. The first call is free.