If you or a loved one was involved in a cargo truck accident in Metairie, Louisiana, Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is on your side. We can provide you with a Metairie cargo truck accident lawyer who will protect your rights and pursue the compensation that you and your family may deserve.
Call our truck accident team at (337) 777-7777 for a free, no-obligation case review.
How Truck Accidents Can Affect Your Life
Cargo trucks include any truck that is designed to transport materials from one place to another. Louisiana State University’s Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) reports that, in 2019, large trucks and buses were involved in 6.2% of all injury accidents in the state. By contrast, they were involved in nearly 16% of fatal accidents.
Why are large truck accidents so dangerous? Even when empty, cargo trucks can weigh a lot more than your average motor vehicle. When they are involved in an accident, they can do a lot of damage to the people and property around them. This damage may include:
- Physical injuries
- Psychological trauma
- Property damage
- Financial stress
- Wrongful death
Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers may be able to help you sue for compensation for any of the injuries listed above. Call us to learn more about the services provided by a Metairie cargo truck accident lawyer from our firm. Our phone number is (337) 777-7777, and we have team members standing by to take your call.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientThere Are Different Types of Damages for Different Types of Injuries
What are you able to sue for after a truck accident? That depends on the severity of your injuries, as well as state law. A truck accident lawyer in Metairie, LA, can help you determine which damages you may be entitled to recover.
If you lost money or have been hit with extra bills related to the accident, you may qualify for economic damages. Common examples include:
- Repair costs: for those whose vehicle was damaged or totaled in the crash
- Medical costs: for those who sought any type of short-term or long-term care for their injuries
- Lost wages: for those who could not earn money to support their families until their injuries healed
- Lost earning capacity: for those whose injuries will always prevent them from earning as much income as they did before the accident
If your physical or mental health has declined because of your accident injuries, then you may qualify for non-economic damages. Common examples include:
- Disfigurement: for those left with obvious and/or painful scars
- Disability: for those who have lost the use of any body part or lost that body part altogether (e.g., through amputation)
- Reduced quality of life: for those who can no longer function as well on their own and perhaps need help with everyday activities (e.g., bathing or getting dressed)
- Loss of consortium: for those whose marriage has suffered because of their accident and/or injuries
If you are filing a wrongful death lawsuit—that is, if your loved one passed away from injuries incurred during the truck accident—you may qualify for other types of economic and non-economic damages. Common examples of wrongful death damages include:
- Loss of companionship: for those who can no longer turn to their loved one for comfort, advice, and so on
- Funeral expenses: for those who had to pay to lay their loved one to rest
- Loss of financial support: for those who depended on their loved one’s salary
Once you have figured out which damages you may be entitled to recover, you still have to decide how much money you want to ask for. This may be easier for economic damages—which come with bills or other evidence to show how much you lost—than for non-economic damages.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientGetting Help from a Lawyer
Filing a lawsuit is a big step. It may seem too big, especially if you have no legal experience and are still trying to rebuild your life after a devastating accident. Just remember that you do not have to file your lawsuit alone. Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can assign a lawyer to your case. While they do all of the hard legal work, you can stay home and concentrate on your recovery and your loved ones.
Here is a sampling of the many services an attorney can provide during this difficult time:
- A thorough examination: to support your claims, your lawyer will collect corroborating evidence from medical records, police records, and other sources.
- Administrative assistance: even something as small as an error on a form can impact your lawsuit. Let your lawyer handle your paperwork to avoid such mistakes.
- An intermediary: if you do not want to speak directly with the liable party or their representatives, you do not have to: your lawyer can handle all communications between the two of you.
- Negotiating skills: accepting a pretrial settlement may be the quickest way to resolve your case. However, your lawyer may need to do some hard negotiating to ensure the settlement is fair.
- A courtroom advocate: if negotiations are unsuccessful, we are not afraid to schedule a trial date and go to court on your behalf.
- Compassionate advice: it is okay if you do not have all the answers or do not know what to do at all times. Part of your lawyer’s job is to answer your questions and provide honest guidance whenever you need it.
If you are still unsure about what legal action you want (or do not want) to take, contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777. A member of our team will evaluate your case at no charge and let you know if a Metairie cargo truck accident lawyer from our firm can be of any help. We work for a contingent fee, so you do not have to pay us any fees unless and until we recover compensation for you.