Concrete truck accidents can wreak havoc on your career, your health, and your personal life. If you are thinking of hiring a Metairie concrete truck accident lawyer to protect your rights, please call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777. The initial case assessment with our truck accident team is free, and we charge no fees until after you receive compensation.
After a Truck Accident
According to Louisiana State University (LSU), occupants of large trucks (like concrete trucks) made up 3.3% of all traffic fatalities in 2019. Occupants of passenger cars made up 37.7% of all fatalities. The discrepancy in these numbers is partially due to the fact that there are more passenger cars than large trucks on the road. However, it is important to take the truck’s greater size and weight into account, which may protect the truck’s occupants while doing a lot of damage to everyone else.
If you were in a truck accident, what should you do first? The most important thing is to protect yourself and your passengers. Get out of the flow of traffic if you have to and call for medical assistance if any of you are injured.
If your accident caused enough damage, then it must be reported to the proper authorities, as codified in the Louisiana Revised Statutes (RS) §32:398. You will therefore have to stay on the scene until the police arrive (unless you were seriously injured). If possible, use that time to exchange contact and insurance information with the truck driver. You may also want to take photos of the scene and any injuries or damage you sustained.
All of the above actions—getting medical help, speaking with the police, and taking pictures—can create a trail of documentary evidence showing that the accident and your injuries happened exactly as you claim they did. This evidence may help you if you decide to file a lawsuit.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCalculating Damages
There are two types of lawsuits you may file after an accident. If you were injured and want to sue for compensation for your own injuries, you will file a personal injury lawsuit. You may be eligible for damages like:
- Loss of wages: Your injuries prevented you from going to work and supporting your family.
- Medical expenses: Your injuries needed treatment, such as medication, assistive devices, therapy (physical or otherwise), or surgery.
- Pain and suffering: Your injuries caused you physical and/or psychological distress.
- Reduced quality of life: Your injuries prevent you from living independently or accomplishing basic tasks (e.g., cooking a meal and doing the dishes) without help.
If, however, your loved one lost their life in a truck accident and you are suing on their behalf, you will file a wrongful death lawsuit. This might make you eligible for damages like:
- Funeral expenses: These bills may include the cost of a burial, a funeral service, or anything else associated with laying your loved one to rest.
- Loss of companionship: You have been deprived of your loved one’s affection, guidance, support, etc.
- Loss of financial support: You have been deprived of your loved one’s salary, which was crucial to maintaining the lifestyle you and your family enjoy.
Damages are a tricky subject. The amount you are allowed to recover may be limited by state law or other factors. A Metairie concrete truck accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you deal with these challenges and even negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf. Call us at (337) 777-7777 at any time for more information.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHow Your Lawsuit May Go
What does a lawsuit entail? Every case is different, but the general steps are outlined below.
Step One: Investigate the Accident
As valuable as your testimony is, your words alone may not persuade the liable party’s insurance company to pay what you need. You will need supporting evidence, such as medical records or photos of the scene, to help you make your case. A truck accident lawyer in Metairie, LA, can collect all available evidence to build your case.
Step Two: List and Calculate Damages
In addition to creating a list of the damages you suffered, you will be expected to ask for a specific amount of money for each one. How much are your damages worth? How do you put a price tag on non-economic damage like pain and suffering? Your lawyer can help you sort it all out.
Step Three: Notify the Liable Party
To officially begin your lawsuit, you need to notify the liable party and file your case with the court. Not only will your lawyer handle this for you, but they will also serve as an intermediary between you and the liable party. Any time the liable party wants to talk to you (or vice versa), we will deliver the message.
Step Four: Negotiate a Pretrial Settlement
The insurance company usually wants to avoid going to court as much as you do. Your lawyer will sit down with their representatives to try to reach a fair settlement agreement. If successful, your lawyer will draw up the agreement, and you will sign it and get your money.
Step Five: Go to Trial
Many cases end with negotiations and do not get to this step. However, if the insurance company does not want to offer a satisfactory settlement, you can depend on your lawyer to represent you in the courtroom. They will find and examine witnesses, deliver oral arguments before a jury, and much more.
To hire a Metairie concrete truck accident lawyer, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777. We proudly serve clients in Metairie and throughout the state. Our services will not cost you a penny until we help you recover damages.