The result of vehicle accidents can have a devastating impact on your present and future. Perhaps no example of an accident has the potential to be so severe as those involving fuel trucks. Not only do these vehicles dwarf smaller passenger cars, but the flammable nature of their cargo can result in devastating burns. Even collisions at low speeds can cause fuel to ignite, threatening the wellbeing of everyone in the area.
A Lake Charles fuel truck accident lawyer may be able to help you if you have suffered injuries because of a fuel truck driver’s poor choices on the road. Our truck accident lawyers in Lake Charles at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you investigate the cause of the collision, measure your losses, and demand fair payments from all at-fault parties.
Fuel Trucks Present a Hazard to All Travelers in Lake Charles
Transporting fuel is a dangerous business. Even with modern safety features on trucks, collisions remain a constant threat. These vehicles are huge, many weighing tens of tons. Their heavier weight means that they are slow to stop in emergency situations or maneuver in difficult weather. The size of these vehicles also creates blind spots for which all truck drivers must make appropriate accommodations.
These hazards apply to all drivers of commercial vehicles. What makes fuel trucks especially dangerous is the nature of their cargo. Liquid fuel, such as gasoline or diesel, is extremely flammable. If this fuel comes into contact with the smallest spark, such as that which may result from the scraping of metal in a collision, the entire load may ignite. In fact, these substances are so unstable that the mere exposure of the liquid to air could cause an explosion.
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, burns are a common consequence of collisions between fuel trucks and other vehicles. In many instances, the resulting explosions can affect people not directly involved in the crash.
Our Lake Charles personal injury lawyers could help any person who has endured injuries because of a fuel truck accident. Give us a call today to learn more about the hazards involved in transporting fuel and how they may have caused your losses.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWhen a Truck Driver or Their Employer Is Responsible for an Accident
There is no doubt that a collision with a fuel truck can have a devastating effect on the wellbeing of other travelers and innocent bystanders. These incidents can inflict life-threatening physical injuries, debilitating emotional traumas, and harsh economic damages. Even so, it is impossible to collect the compensation that is necessary to set things right without proving that it was the driver’s actions that were the cause of the incident.
Regardless of their mode of transportation, every driver in Lake Charles assumes a duty to protect other people while behind the wheel. This duty extends to other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. A driver who fails in this obligation is responsible for providing the compensation necessary to set things right.
It is the responsibility of injured people to demonstrate how a fuel truck driver’s decisions led to the collision. At the same time, the law in Louisiana uses a concept called pure comparative negligence to assign fault for accidents. Under the Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §2323, a court must evaluate the actions of all parties in an accident and assign blame accordingly. As a result, a court may believe that an injured person’s failure to come to a quick stop or tailgating behavior contributed to the incident and reduce the party’s award at trial. It is vital that you be able to show that a trucker’s actions were the sole cause of the collision.
An attorney can work on your behalf to obtain a police report, talk to witnesses who may have observed the event, and even hire an accident reconstruction specialist who could help provide insight into how the crash occurred. Demonstrating truck driver fault is a vital step in collecting compensation from that driver, insurance companies, and even the trucking company. Let an attorney handle the details while you focus on getting your life back on track.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientInjured People Must Act Quickly to Demand Compensation for Their Losses
Even if it is clear that a fuel truck driver was responsible for the crash that caused your injuries, the law in Lake Charles may still make your claim difficult. The CC 3493.1 is the state’s law concerning the statute of limitations on filing personal injury lawsuits after an accident. A statute of limitations is a law that limits how long after an injury a person has to demand compensation. Under this law, injured people or their families have only two years after the date of the incident to demand payments. This is a very short time, especially if a crash has resulted in complex injuries or required an intensive investigation. A Lake Charles fuel truck accident lawyer can help you submit your lawsuit in time.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientFight for What Is Right After a Fuel Truck Accident
Many people who suffer injuries after a collision with a fuel truck are frightened and confused. Their injuries may be affecting every part of their life, and at the same time, an insurance company may be pressing for a recorded statement or denying payments for medical bills. It is no surprise that you may feel frustrated or lost.
The legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers wants to help you obtain the payments that you deserve. This compensation can cover hospital bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering that often accompany an accident. A Lake Charles fuel truck accident lawyer can take every necessary step to investigate the crash, explain your legal rights, and protect those rights in and out of court. Contact us today to see how we can help you.