Drivers and other road users are required to understand what traffic control devices are, how they work, in what sequence the directions of control devices must be followed, and how to exercise caution and safe driving at intersections and wherever control devices are used. Failing to do any of these things can lead to an accident, a traffic citation such as a ticket, or more serious consequences such as bodily injury to you or others, as well as fines, license suspension, or even jail time, depending on your case.
Were you involved in an accident with a truck or another vehicle that was caused by or involved a traffic control device? We are here to help. A Lafayette crosswalk traffic control device lawyer from our team can walk you through everything you need to know about crosswalk safety laws, what to do if you have been involved in an accident or a road mishap, and how to go about protecting your rights and seeking damages, if any, from at-fault parties responsible for your injuries. Reach out to a Lafayette truck accident lawyer to discuss your situation.
Crosswalk Traffic Control Devices
According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), traffic control devices are signal devices, signs, or markers that inform, guide, and control road traffic. They apply to pedestrians, vehicle drivers, and bicyclists. They can usually be seen next to or over highways and roads, at intersections, and throughout public areas such as school or construction zones that require some form of traffic control.
Crosswalks are traffic control devices, and there are very specific rules and regulations that govern how and in what way vehicles and pedestrians can use a crosswalk. In most cases, light signals or specific patterns of crosswalk stripes indicate whether vehicles are to stop or yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk.
Obedience to traffic control devices is required by law, as per Louisiana Statute § 32:231. Other statutes also come into play, such as Louisiana Statute § 32:232, which outlines the basic rules of green, yellow, and red traffic lights, with added wordage covering corner cases such as control devices at roundabouts and any place other than an intersection.
Despite these rules and statutes, crosswalk accidents happen all the time, and in some cases, a pedestrian sustains the brunt of the injuries in the mishap. Vehicle drivers may also be injured, and they may receive a ticket or other penalties depending on the circumstances surrounding the case. If you are in such a position, a Lafayette crosswalk traffic control device lawyer from our team is here to help. You can speak with a Lafayette personal injury lawyer to help you pursue compensation.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientRules Pertaining to Crosswalk Traffic Control Devices
The state of Louisiana has adopted a uniform system of traffic control device rules that are implemented on roads and highways throughout the state. These rules conform to the standards set by the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. As outlined above, obedience to these rules is mandatory, but there are still cases in which people violate these rules.
If you are caught running a stop sign, a red light, or executing illegal or prohibited moves in a crosswalk, you will most likely have to pay a fine. Avoid doing so by learning—and following—the traffic control device rules outlined below.
Stop Signs
At a red light—whether it is solid or flashing—and at stop signs, motorists must come to a complete stop. There will be a marked stop line in line with or before the traffic control device that indicates where you need to stop. This will be before you enter a crosswalk. If there is no stop line or crosswalk, you must stop before you enter the intersection.
Turning Right on Red
Per Louisiana Statute § 32:232, motorists are allowed to execute right turns at a red light but only after they have come to a complete stop and only as long as there is no sign or signal indicating that such a turn is prohibited. Even after coming to a complete stop, the driver has to yield the right-of-way to any pedestrians or other traffic in or crossing the intersection.
U-Turns and Left Turns
You can execute a left turn after coming to a stop at a red light from a one-way street to another one-way street. You can also make a U-turn at a red light, but only after you come to a complete stop and only if there is no sign prohibiting such a turn. As always, first yield the right-of-way to any pedestrians or vehicles that are already in or crossing the intersection.
Traffic Signal Cameras
Automated cameras are used in various intersections, but local authorities are required to post a sign within 500 feet of the intersection that indicates that a camera is installed at the upcoming intersection.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientPenalties and Charges
Anyone guilty of a crosswalk violation will most likely have to pay a fine. Violations that lead to bodily injuries, property damage, or wrongful death can lead to jail time, higher fines, and a suspension of your license. If you are found guilty of a violation while driving recklessly, speeding, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you may receive a reckless driving or vehicular homicide charge for cases involving a fatality.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientContact Us Today
There are many rules and statutes that govern both safe driving, as well as mandatory practices for drivers of both trucks and other vehicles on the road. However, despite the best intentions of the federal and local authorities that compose and pass these laws, accidents still happen, human error can still lead to conflicts, and injuries and damages can still occur to innocent victims. Even cautious drivers can find themselves caught up in an unexpected or an unfair accident or injury case through no fault of their own.
The Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers group is here to help. Call us at (337) 777-7777 to find out how a Lafayette crosswalk traffic control device lawyer may be able to assist you with your case.