Over the past seven years, Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers has given away bikes and helmets to deserving children throughout Louisiana communities at its “Bike It Forward’ event. This year, the firm’s “Bike It Forward” event will be held on May 26th from 9:00 – 11:00am at the Lafayette office (1901 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette LA 70508). The event promotes community involvement, child safety, child health, and well-being.
To apply or nominate a child to receive a new bicycle and helmet, please complete an application at www.bikeitforward.org. The deadline for submitting applications is May 12. All winners of the bicycles and helmets will be notified prior to the Bike It Forward event on May 26 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at the Lafayette office. As part of the event, Laborde Earles will have food, music, and a bicycle obstacle course for the kids to test out their new bikes.
“As we prepare for our 7th year of Bike It Forward, we put our Community core value at the forefront of what we do,” said partner, David Laborde. “It is now time to start nominating that deserving kid for a bike for working hard all school year.”
Digger Earles added that Bike It Forward has a profound impact on the Laborde Earles staff. “Our team enjoys giving back to our local communities just as much as we do. It is always a great day filled with good eats and fun with the kids and their families.”
For more information on the nomination process or for more details on Bike It Forward, please visit www.bikeitforward.org or email marketing@onmyside.com.