According to The Advocate, a 23-year-old woman who caused a fatal rear-end collision was allegedly texting, weaving in and out of traffic, and speeding just before the accident occurred. The motorist was driving a pickup truck on Interstate 12 eastbound when she crashed into the back of a passenger vehicle.
Inside the car was a 21-year-old woman and her 5-month-old baby. The force of the impact launched the baby’s car seat into the dashboard, and she sustained severe injuries that ultimately took her life two days later.
After authorities filed warrants for the liable motorist’s arrest, she turned herself in to police. She was arrested on one count of negligent homicide.
If you sustained serious injuries in a collision with a reckless driver, contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. Our legal team has 350 years of combined experience helping accident victims secure the compensation they deserve. Call (337) 777-7777 to schedule a free case evaluation with a personal injury attorney in Lafayette.
Reckless and Distracted Driving Played a Role in the Tragic Collision
Rear-end collisions are often the result of distracted driving, and the case mentioned above was no exception. According to the warrants for the woman’s arrest, she had been texting prior to the accident.
Authorities determined that she was also weaving in and out of traffic at a high rate of speed before the crash. The pickup truck was allegedly traveling 75 mph, which is 10 mph over the speed limit on that particular stretch of road. The warrants claim the motorist had also been accelerating and only started braking 0.5 seconds before the collision occurred.
The woman in the other vehicle recalls waking up suddenly after losing consciousness. Once arriving at the hospital, doctors told her that her baby had suffered serious welling of the brain.
They later performed surgery to remove part of the infant’s skull in an attempt to relieve the swelling. Shortly after the procedure, though, doctors determined that the patient was not going to make it. The baby remained on life support until the hospital could find matches for her organs.

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ClientCan the Parents of a Child File a Wrongful Death Claim in the State of Louisiana?
In general, wrongful death claims compensate family members for the damages they have incurred following the loss of a loved one. For example, if the deceased was the sole breadwinner for the family, the settlement might include lost wages and benefits.
Since children do not actually provide for their family financially, there is often confusion over whether parents can file a wrongful death claim on their behalf. Fortunately, eligible parties are allowed to recover compensation for emotional distress. This grants parents the ability to hold the party responsible for their child’s death financially accountable, even though the family did not incur economic damages like lost income.
If you lost a child in a preventable accident and you want to file a lawsuit against the liable party, contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. We have helped clients recover more than $200 million in cash settlements and verdicts. Call (337) 777-7777 to schedule a free consultation with an accident lawyer in Lafayette.