Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. You could be eligible to join a Zantac class action lawsuit if you: …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form.
N-Nitrosodimethylamine is a chemical compound also known as NDMA. It is categorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a “probable human carcinogen.” NDMA is dangerous because unsafe levels can increase your risk of developing certain cancers, resulting in significant hardship and even taking your life. Researchers recently found that the antacid Zantac …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. In April 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encouraged manufacturers to …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. Hiring an attorney to represent you after suffering harm because of Zantac or …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. At least one lawsuit is pending by patients put at risk of developing …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. According to Healthline, the ingredient Zantac can affect your heart. In addition to …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. You may be able to sue over Zantac or another medication containing ranitidine …
Notice: At this time we are no longer accepting cases related to Zantac cancer claims. However, if you have questions about other mass tort or personal injury cases that we are currently accepting, please call or fill out our case evaluation form. Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is the right law firm to handle your Zantac …