Injuries are common after even the least impactful car accidents. In some cases, even if it appears that a person is uninjured after a collision, the full consequences of a crash do not become apparent for days after the incident. These injuries can be just as serious as broken bones or separated joints.
Whiplash is a prime example of these hidden injuries. Whiplash occurs when a person’s head or neck suffer trauma as a result of sudden stopping or side-to-side movement. This force can strain the ligaments in a person’s neck or place pressure on their spinal cords. The resulting damage can have severe neurological or muscular consequences that require intensive medical care and impact every part of your life.
A Metairie car accident lawyer may be able to help you investigate the crash that resulted in whiplash and take proper legal action against the at-fault driver. These insurance claims or lawsuits seek out the compensation that is necessary to set your life back on track. The legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is ready to help you. Give us a call today at (337) 777-7777 to discuss your case.
The Causes and Effects of Whiplash
Whiplash is a common result of car accidents. According to the Mayo Clinic, whiplash occurs when a person’s neck undergoes forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement. This injury can often result from car crashes, especially rear-end collisions.
Moving vehicles carry many thousands of pounds of force. Even if a person makes the decision to wear a seat belt, their neck and head are still largely unsecured.
Whiplash is usually a somewhat mild injury after a car crash. Many people will make a full recovery after a few weeks of physical therapy or chiropractic treatment. However, this is not to say that a whiplash injury cannot serve as the basis for a personal injury claim.
A lawyer could provide more information about the links between car crashes and whiplash injuries. They can also work with you to evaluate how an incident has impacted your life.
Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientProving Fault in Car Crashes that Result in Whiplash
While whiplash is a common consequence of car crashes, the injuries a person sustains in a crash have nothing to do with identifying the responsible parties. All drivers assume a duty to protect others any time they get behind the wheel.
It follows that you must prove that another driver’s decisions were the reason why the accident occurred. In many cases, a driver violates a rule of the road before being involved in a crash. Drivers who speed, use their cellphones while behind the wheel, or drive while drunk violate their obligation to keep you safe. In other scenarios, neither driver violates the law, but it is still necessary to hold someone accountable for the crash.
The legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is ready to perform a full investigation into the causes of an accident and hold the at-fault party accountable. Reach out to us today at (337) 777-7777.
I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientAvailable Forms of Compensation After a Collision
Many people view whiplash as a minor or inconsequential injury after a car crash. However, whiplash can be extremely painful, and it may take weeks or months of medical treatment to regain full range of motion in the neck or be pain-free. As a result, a demand for compensation must take every part of a person’s experience with whiplash into account.
Of course, the core of the claim will be the costs of all medical care associated with the incident. These expenses may include an ambulance ride, emergency room treatment, physical therapy sessions, or chiropractic visits. An attorney can contact these medical providers on your behalf to collect the relevant records and bills.
In addition, a Metairie whiplash accident lawyer understands that an incident such as this can impact your life in other ways. Many people are unable to return to work after a collision. An at-fault driver is liable for providing compensation for all lost income. Other people find that they experience nightmares or other forms of emotional trauma connected to a crash. An attorney can work to place a proper value on your case.
Attorneys also help to ensure that your case proceeds on time. According to the Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §3492, you have only two years after the date of the crash to bring a case to court. Act quickly to protect your legal rights. Otherwise, you risk losing your right to pursue compensation for your damages.
The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientDrivers Who Are at Fault for a Car Accident Are Liable to Provide Fair Compensation
Every driver assumes a duty to protect others when they get behind the wheel. If they fail in this duty, and an injury occurs, they must provide fair compensation. This concept applies to situations that involve whiplash.
Whiplash injuries can be surprisingly serious. Many people experience severe pain or a loss of range of motion, and they are unable to earn a living following an accident. In turn, these victims can collect compensation for their losses, but only if they are able to prove that another driver’s actions caused the injuries. A Metairie whiplash accident lawyer is prepared to help.
They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientCall Today for Your Free Consultation
Let the legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers help you. Our team can handle the details of your case from your first call to protect your legal rights and to seek out the fair payments that you deserve. Get in touch with us today at (337) 777-7777 for your free consultation.