If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a teenage driver, you may have legal options. Teenage drivers are new to the road, so they can easily make mistakes that cause accidents. You should not have to pay for the consequences of their errors.
Instead, you should learn more about what a Lake Charles car accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can do for you. Call (337) 777-7777 today for a free consultation. Our staff can help you learn more about your legal options and inform you about how an attorney could be of assistance.
Sharing the Road with Teenage Drivers
Teenage drivers are inexperienced, so driving behaviors that can cause accidents can be even more common among newer drivers. A Lake Charles personal injury lawyer from our team can give teen drivers all the information they need to make informed decisions about their cases.
Behaviors that frequently result in accidents include:
- Distracted driving: Driving needs to be your sole focus when you are behind the wheel. In the age of smartphones, phone use may be one of the leading causes of distracted driving. Using your phone, whether by making a phone call, using an app, or browsing the internet, can take your attention away from the road long enough to cause an accident. Talking to other passengers, eating, drinking, or playing with the radio and blasting loud music can also cause you to take your attention off of the road as well, and that could have deadly consequences.
Teen drivers may not realize how much of a difference a second can make when they are traveling at highway speeds. As a result, they could be more likely to engage in dangerous multitasking behavior behind the wheel.
- Reckless driving: The rules of the road keep us all safer, but a reckless driver ignores those rules and puts themselves and other road users in danger. Running red lights, changing lanes frequently, or speeding are all reckless driving behaviors that can cause a car accident. Unfortunately, these are all behaviors that drivers aged 16 to 19 are more likely to engage in, according to insurance companies. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a car accident with a teen driver who drove recklessly, you may be entitled to compensation.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientTypes of Compensation
A Lake Charles teen driving accident lawyer can help you pursue multiple types of damages, including:
Medical Damages
A motor vehicle accident can cause a number of injuries, from whiplash to concussions and broken bones. These injuries can take you a long time to recover from. They could result in hospital stays, multiple doctor visits, a need for expensive prescription drugs, or even physical therapy. Even with insurance, these costs can begin to add up.
Property Damages
Depending on what type of insurance coverage you carry, the damage to your vehicle may not be completely covered. If you need to repair or replace your vehicle, pursuing property damage can help you get the funding that you need.
Lost Income Damages
A car accident can also affect your finances by causing you to miss work. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lifetime work lost due to crash injuries was valued at $33 billion in 2012. These lost wages are considered when fair compensation is determined. Injuries with lasting effects could also make it harder for you to work in the future and affect your future earning potential.
Wrongful Death Damages
If a loved one has lost their life in an accident with a teen driver, you may be able to pursue wrongful death damages. Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §2315.2 outlines which family member can file such a case and collect damages, with top priority going to spouses and children of the deceased.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHiring a Lawyer
If you have been in an accident with a teen driver, here is how an attorney could assist you:
Filing Your Case Promptly
One way that a lawyer can help is by filing your case quickly and beginning the legal process. CC 3493.1 gives you just two years to pursue damages in a wrongful death or personal injury case. That may seem like a long time, but if you are busy recovering from injuries and trying to get back to your life as usual, that time may pass quickly. With enough notice, a lawyer can ensure that you do not miss your chance to pursue damages.
Identifying Who Is Liable
Your lawyer will show who is liable for the injuries and property damage you suffered, and they will gather the necessary evidence to show why a party or parties should be held liable for what happened to you. They can use police reports, eyewitness accounts, and any other information needed to show that you are entitled to compensation from another party or parties involved in this motor vehicle accident.
We understand the increased challenges associated with liability if a teen driver flees the scene. Fortunately, you can turn to a hit-and-run accident lawyer in Lake Charles in this situation.
Calculating Fair Compensation
A lawyer will also help determine fair compensation. Did you lose wages? Can you no longer work in the same capacity after your accident? Do you need help covering damage to your vehicle? All of these things are considered, and your attorney will determine a fair amount to ask for to compensate you for what you have experienced.
Handling All Communications
When you have a lawyer, you do not have to worry about talking to the other involved parties. Your attorney will handle any communications and keep you updated about your case at all times.
They Fight for the Best Possible Outcome
Your attorney will fight for the best possible outcome for you at every turn. If you want to know more about how they do that, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777 for a free consultation and learn more about what a lawyer can do for you.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientCall for Your Free Consultation
A Lake Charles teen driving accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is ready to help you with your case. Call our offices at (337) 777-7777 and see how an attorney could be of assistance to you if you or a loved one have suffered injuries in an accident with a teen driver. Remember that we do not charge you until you receive a settlement.