After an accident, especially one as terrifying as a rollover accident, you deserve the chance to rebuild your life in peace. A Lake Charles rollover accident lawyer can fight on your behalf for monetary compensation to help cover your bills and the cost of living. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777 to learn more about what we can do for your case—and for you.
What to Do After a Rollover Accident
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 29 percent of all passenger vehicle occupant fatalities happened during rollover accidents in 2018. Keeping calm after experiencing such an accident is certainly easier said than done, but it may be vital to your survival.
If you, your passengers, or the people in the other vehicle are seriously injured, seek emergency medical treatment immediately. Otherwise, you can arrange to see a doctor at a later date, just to ensure that you are truly uninjured. Do this even if you feel okay, as some types of injuries do not have obvious symptoms or have symptoms that can appear and cause trouble later if not promptly treated.
If you are well enough to stay on the scene, do so. Per the Louisiana Revised Statutes (RS) §32:398, you must report accidents that result in a certain amount of property damage and/or personal injury to the authorities. If the accident resulted in death, you must report the accident immediately. The responding police officer will want to speak to you about what happened.
Both medical help and police statements serve important legal functions in addition to their primary functions. If you decide to file a lawsuit, medical and police records can help you prove that the accident and your injuries happened in such a way that you might be entitled to monetary compensation.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientLearning About Compensatory Damages
With the help of a car accident lawyer in Lake Charles, you can pursue compensation to cover losses that have resulted from your injuries.
In a lawsuit, it is important to be as specific as possible about how the accident affected you. This requires you to create a list of all of your damages, both economic (financial) and noneconomic (physical and mental).
Your economic damages might include the following:
- Loss of wages: You were not able to do your job and, as a result, lost invaluable paychecks.
- Loss of financial support: Your loved one lost their life in the accident, leaving you without the income from their job.
- Medical bills: You needed (or will always need) treatments like prescription medicine, therapy, rehab, homecare, and lab tests to treat your injuries.
- Repair bills: You had to pay and wait for your car to be fixed, and you had to pay for alternative transportation in the meantime.
Your non-economic damages might include the following:
- Disability: You will never have the same physical capabilities as you did before the crash.
- Pain and suffering: Your injuries affected your physical and emotional wellbeing.
- Quality of life: You have had to change your entire lifestyle due to your injuries.
- Loss of companionship: With your loved one gone, you have lost a great source of affection, care, emotional support, and guidance.
The above is a basic introduction to the subject of compensation and should not be taken as a complete list of damages you might be entitled to collect. For more information, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777. We can take your call at any time.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHiring a Lake Charles Rollover Accident Lawyer
Instead of trying to manage a lawsuit on your own, you can get an attorney to do all of the hard work for you—and it will cost you no attorney’s fees upfront. Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers works on a contingency fee basis. This means we intend to do everything we can to fight for your compensation, and only after you get your money, do you have to pay our attorney’s fees. You will owe us nothing if you are not awarded compensation.
To build your case, your lawyer:
- Investigate your case: It is a good idea to collect as much evidence as possible. Evidence can be used to support your claims and show why you might be entitled to receive compensation from the entity you are suing.
- Review your damages: Your lawyer can make sure that you are asking for every type of damage you qualify for and that the amount of money you are seeking is both accurate and recoverable under Louisiana law.
- File all paperwork: We can give notice to the liable party about your lawsuit, schedule a trial, submit documentary evidence, and handle all other paperwork that comes up during your case.
- Negotiate for compensation: If the liable party’s insurance company is open to negotiations, we may meet with them and fight for a fair pretrial settlement that meets your needs.
- Take your case to court: In the event that an acceptable settlement cannot be reached, your lawyer is not afraid to go to trial on your behalf. They can take care of all the prep work and argue before a jury for the money you need.
- Provide honest advice: You can count on us to keep you updated throughout your case, explain your options at each step, and give you the information you need to make important decisions about your lawsuit.
A Lake Charles rollover accident lawyer can fight by your side. Contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777 for more information, including a free case review. A member of our team is ready and waiting to talk to you whenever you are ready to begin, day or night.