If you lost a loved one in an accident, we understand that you must be going through a difficult time or still coping with the loss. After a loved one’s death, it is common for surviving family members to be overwhelmed by sudden financial losses on top of their grief.
At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we want to help you pursue monetary compensation, which might be able to help you manage your finances and give you one less thing to worry about as you rebuild toward a new normal. To find out if a Jefferson Parish wrongful death lawyer from our firm can be of assistance, call us at (337) 777-7777.
Spouses, Children, and Certain Family Members May Qualify for Compensation
Accident victims may sue for compensation (also called damages) by filing a personal injury lawsuit on their own behalf. However, if the victim has already passed away from their accident injuries, their surviving family may file a wrongful death lawsuit on their behalf.
As explained in the Louisiana Civil Code (CC) § 2315.1, surviving spouses and children are given preference in wrongful death cases. If the accident victim had neither a spouse nor children, their parents are then allowed to seek compensation, followed by siblings and grandparents.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientHow to Qualify for Compensation
Your loved one’s death must be the result of someone else’s reckless or careless behavior if you want to qualify for a wrongful death claim or lawsuit. Many types of accidents might lead to fatalities and may qualify for a wrongful death case, such as:
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Defective products, including medicinal drugs
- Slip and fall accidents
- Dog bites
Accidents are always tragic when they lead to fatalities. However, you will need evidence to prove that your loved one’s accident was the result of negligence instead of an unfortunate mishappening. A lawyer may investigate your loved one’s accident and help you identify liable parties, as in the parties legally responsible for the accident.
Examples of liable parties in different situations include:
- A driver or maintenance worker in a motor vehicle accident
- A manufacturer in a defective products case
- A property owner or manager in a slip and fall accident
- A dog owner in a dog bite case
Per the CC § 3492, you have a limited time to sue after a wrongful death. If you would like to hire a lawyer to help you investigate your loved one’s passing and fight for compensation, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. We can provide you with a Jefferson Parish wrongful death lawyer who will charge you no upfront attorney’s fees. Call us at (337) 777-7777 to find out more and receive a free, no-obligation case assessment.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientYou May Qualify for Several Types of Damages
Different kinds of compensation are available, depending on what injuries you and your loved one sustained because of the accident. For instance, if you or your loved one experienced any personal injuries (physical or emotional suffering), you might be entitled to non-economic damages. These damages often include:
- Pain and suffering: Your loved one’s injuries caused them life-altering anguish.
- Reduced quality of life: Your loved one could not live independently in their final days and needed help with everyday tasks (e.g., cleaning or cooking).
- Loss of society or companionship: You have also suffered because of your loved one’s passing. Their unexpected, untimely death has caused you a great deal of emotional suffering.
If you or your loved one experienced financial losses or pressures, you might be entitled to economic damages. These damages often include:
- Medical costs: Your loved one required medical intervention to treat their accident injuries.
- Funeral costs: You footed the bill for your loved one’s end-of-life expenses.
- Lost financial support: You depended on your loved one’s income. Losing them has caused you financial distress.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientWhat to Expect on Your Pursuit Toward Compensation
You can file a wrongful death lawsuit on your own, but Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers would be happy to make things easier for you by taking over your legal case. As your representative, we will work hard to help you fight for the compensation you need. Our fight may take us many places, including:
The Accident Scene
Although the accident is long over, valuable information might still be on the scene. For example, if your loved one’s accident was caused by a certain building’s lack of safety precautions or a poorly designed roadway, we may be able to visit the site and take pictures or find pictures taken by people who witnessed the accident. Additionally, surveillance video from nearby buildings may have caught the accident on tape.
We may also go to your loved one’s health care provider for medical records and the local authorities for police records.
The Negotiating Table
Many lawsuits are resolved at the negotiating table. This is because insurance companies prefer to save time and money by settling claims like yours out of court.
That does not mean that the insurance company will immediately give you everything you want. Your lawyer may have to do some tough negotiating to get them to agree to a fair settlement.
The Courtroom
Not all cases go to trial. However, if negotiations do not go well or if the insurance company refuses to negotiate at all, we are ready and willing to take your lawsuit to court.
After scheduling a trial, your lawyer may prepare your case. This often involves locating accident witnesses to deliver testimony, submitting documentary evidence to the court, and delivering opening and closing arguments to a jury.
The Office
We can help you take care of any and all paperwork throughout your case. In addition, we can keep in touch with you on a regular basis. Whenever the liable party or their representatives wish to relay a message or something big happens in your case, you can expect to hear from us.
The lines of communication go both ways. If you have any concerns or have something new to report about your lawsuit, call our office.
You deserve the chance to mourn your loved one’s passing without being bogged down by lawsuits and legal procedures. A Jefferson Parish wrongful death lawyer can give you that chance. Contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers whenever you are ready to claim your free case assessment. Our number is (337) 777-7777.