It is essential that motorcyclists seek immediate medical care after an accident. Brain injuries can be life-threatening. Even if you do not have a brain injury, you may have other serious injuries that require prompt medical attention. In addition to medical assistance, a motorcycle accident attorney in Lafayette could also handle your claim while you recover.
Traumatic Brain Injuries Motorcycle Riders Suffer in a Wreck
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) identifies several types of brain injuries, many of which (if not all) can result from a motorcycle accident head injury. The first level of distinction between traumatic brain injuries begins with penetrating and non-penetrating. As the name implies, penetrating injuries means some external element has punctured the skull and injured the brain, while non-penetrating means the skull is intact, but a sudden movement within the skull has injured the brain.
These brain injuries can be further delineated to the following:
- Concussion: A concussion can result from an unnatural movement of the brain. The brain could hit the side of your skull or simply move around rapidly. While concussions generally heal, they may cause permanent damage if the patient does not receive proper medical care.
- Hematoma: A hematoma is a rupturing of a blood vessel in the brain. This injury can cause blood to accumulate in or around the brain. There are several types of hematomas, each defined by where the bleeding occurs. Epidural hematomas occur between the skull and dura matter. Subdural occurs between the dura and the arachnoid. And subarachnoid occurs between the arachnoid and pia. These injuries may be life-threatening, particularly when the patient does not receive immediate medical attention.
- Skull fracture: A skull fracture generally results from significant impact. When the skull breaks, skull fragments and the piercing object may enter the brain, causing severe injury.
- Contusion: When the brain swells or bruises because of a ruptured blood vessel, doctors refer to this injury as a contusion. Brain swelling is always serious and can potentially be fatal without proper diagnosis and treatment.
- Hemorrhagic progression of a contusion (HPC): If the contusion is untreated and bleeding continues, it could cause permanent brain damage.
These are a handful of the specific injuries that can result from a motorcycle accident and TBI. You may have injuries that are not on this list, and our team will work with doctors to diagnose each of your injuries.
Know the Signs of a Brain Injury and Seek Immediate Medical Attention
You should seek immediate medical attention for any brain injury. This may require you to recognize possible symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, including:
- Headaches or other types of pain
- Confusion
- Sensitivity to light, noise, or other stimuli
- Nausea and vomiting, which can be a concussion symptom
- Memory deficits
- Sleep problems
- Persistent depression or anxiety
If you have any reason to believe your brain suffered an injury during a motorcycle crash, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientPotential Effects of a Brain Injury on a Motorcyclist’s Life
Though each brain injury is unique (as is each person’s response to injury), most lawyers prepare for clients with significant upheaval in their lives. A significant brain injury could:
- Cause several types of pain: A brain injury can be physically painful but may also cause psychological and emotional pain. The injury may significantly harm your quality of life. When seeking financial compensation, you should account for that hardship when you fight for financial recovery.
- Interfere with your work: A brain injury will prevent most people from working. Whether you use your brain, strength, or both to earn a living, a brain injury can stand in the way of earning a paycheck. A brain injury could cause cognitive issues, memory loss, and physical disability. These hardships should also be a part of any financial recovery you seek.
- Impact your loved ones’ lives: A brain injury victim’s loved ones may need to take off work, adjust their schedules, and help care for the person with the brain injury. If a brain injury causes permanent damage, the loved ones may have to provide lifelong care for their family member. Your family will need financial assistance.
Most attorneys don’t just account for the financial impact brain injuries will have on the family. They will also account for pain and suffering and other non-economic harm the motorcycle accident victim suffers from the injury.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help After Suffering a Brain Injury
The effects of a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming. For many, handling an insurance claim or lawsuit is a non-starter. You may rather focus all your attention on recovery while your lawyer fights for your financial recovery. Your lawyer will:
- Gather evidence that proves who is at fault for the motorcycle accident
- Detail accident-related damages using medical bills, medical records, invoices for vehicle repairs, and other relevant documentation
- Calculate the cost of your accident-related damages (perhaps with help from doctors, economists, and other informed parties)
- Handle all paperwork, fact-checking, and other administrative duties
- Negotiate a settlement on your behalf
- Take your case to court if we need to
Damages Attorneys Will Seek After Your Motorcycle Accident
Damages from a motorcycle accident may include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Diminished earning power
- Pain and suffering
- Therapy to address pain and suffering
- Vehicle repairs
- Temporary transportation expenses
If you have any other damages, you can bring them to your lawyer’s attention. Your legal team will identify and value all of your damages for you. If you lost a loved one, you may be eligible for additional damages. A wrongful death lawyer can review your case with you.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientCall Laborde Earles Today for a Free Consultation About Your Motorcycle Accident Case
Per Louisiana Civil Code § 3492, you generally have a two-year deadline for filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit. You can help us beat the deadline by speaking with our team as soon as possible.
Contact Laborde Earles today for your free consultation.