Many reasons explain why there is no average settlement for a broken leg. For example, a broken leg can vary in severity, which can cause a substantial difference in treatment options and costs. In addition, your wages and the length of your recovery can also affect your potential financial recovery.
Understanding the range of monetary damages you can recover and ensuring the accuracy of your compensation request can be challenging without help. However, a car accident lawyer in your area can help you accurately assess your recoverable damages. They can also help you fight for fair and appropriate compensation.
Assess Your Potential Compensation for a Broken Leg
Did you break your leg in a car accident? If it was, you could pursue a personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit from the at-fault driver. Dealing with insurance companies after a motor vehicle accident can overwhelm car crash victims. The process will involve:
- Proving their policyholder’s negligence
- Assessing the limitations of their coverage
- Many rounds of back-and-forth discussions
- Collecting supporting evidence
You do not have to take on these challenges alone. Instead, a car accident lawyer can handle your case while you focus on getting better.
Avoid a Delay in Negotiating a Financial Settlement
It takes time to prove your right to compensation, whether you receive payment via an insurance settlement or a court verdict. If you face a prolonged process of reaching a settlement agreement with an insurer, your lawyer might file a lawsuit on your behalf.
By filing your lawsuit, your lawyer ensures you do not run out of time to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver in court. Then, should settlement talks falter, you can keep fighting in court for the compensation you need and deserve for the at-fault driver’s negligence.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientProve the Negligence and Liability that Caused Your Accident
The at-fault driver’s insurance adjuster will ask you to prove the negligence that led to your broken leg. Therefore, your personal injury attorney will collect evidence and prove liability. Their investigation will show how the at-fault driver breached their responsibility to provide you with a duty of care. It will also show:
- Their breach caused your accident
- Your injuries resulted from their breach
- Your injuries have financial consequences
You should be able to afford all the medical and rehabilitative care it takes for an optimal recovery without concern about its cost. In addition, the driver whose negligence caused the accident should bear these expenses. So, your lawyer will not aim simply for the average settlement for a broken femur. Instead, their goal is to ensure you are fairly compensated and able to put your life back together.
Your Evidence Collection Will Tell the Story of Your Injury
Since neither side’s representatives were present when the accident occurred, both will rely on evidence to tell their stories. Compelling evidence will include:
- Car accident report
- Medical records
- Written prognosis
- Proof of income
- Necessary medications
- Accident scene photos
- Photos of your injuries
- Eyewitness statements
- Expert witness statements
Your law firm will collect this evidence for you. Some will prove the accident’s cause. Some will confirm its subsequent costs. However, we will compile it all and present it to the at-fault party and their insurer on your behalf.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientSigns and Symptoms of a Broken Leg
The first indicator of a broken leg is usually pain and the inability to walk. According to the Mayo Clinic, additional symptoms can include:
- Severe pain that worsens with movement
- Unexplained swelling of the limb
- Tenderness, bruising, and evident deformities
Appropriate medical care might uncover your injury before you become aware of it. For example, losing consciousness can make you unaware of your broken femur symptoms immediately after a collision. Therefore, you should seek medical care in the immediate aftermath of a crash.
The Cost of Treatment and Healing After a Bone Break
The severity of your broken bone will determine the type of treatment you require and dictate the costs of your treatment and recovery. Treatment options can include:
- Bone setting
- Rest and immobilization
- Over-the-counter and prescription medications
- Therapy and rehabilitation
- Surgical intervention
Your health care team will ensure you receive a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Meanwhile, your legal team will build a persuasive case for the financial compensation you need and deserve to foster optimal recovery.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientGet Legal Help and Support When You Need It Most
If you sustained a broken leg in a car accident, you could hold the at-fault driver accountable for your post-accident expenses and losses. At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we will explain why there isn’t an average settlement for a broken leg. Instead, we will review your case to determine the total value of your damages and explain how hard we fight to obtain the best possible payout for your case.
Contact one of our car accident team members today for your free case review.