Safe and responsible driving requires every person behind the wheel of a vehicle to keep their attention on the road in Kenner. Even so, incidents involving texting while driving remain high. When accidents occur, the driver who was texting is likely liable for the collision.
A Kenner texting while driving accident lawyer wants to help you pursue your case for fair compensation. The legal professionals at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can take the lead in your case while you focus on your recovery. Reach out to us today for your free consultation.
Drivers Have an Obligation to Protect Each Other
As a general rule, every driver—regardless of their chosen form of transportation—has a duty to protect other people that they may encounter while on the road. This includes other drivers, passengers, bike riders, and pedestrians.
It is also a rule under state law that a driver who fails to provide this protection is legally liable to compensate parties that suffer injuries. Any person who suffers an injury because of the negligent driving of another has the ability to demand payment through insurance claims or lawsuits.
To prevail in these cases, an injured individual needs to demonstrate how another driver’s poor decisions led to the crash. They must also prove how the incident has impacted their life and meet the time limits to file a case in court if pursuing a lawsuit.
According to Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §3492, most people who suffer injuries in car crashes have only two years from the date of the accident to demand compensation for their losses.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWhy Texting While Driving Violates a Driver’s Obligation to Protect Others
Safe driving includes two components. On the one hand, drivers must keep their attention on the road. At the same time, they must be sure to follow the local traffic laws. Texting while driving violates both of these concepts.
A driver who looks away for only a second can experience significantly reduced reaction times. They may not be able to avoid other vehicles, pedestrians, or hazards on the road. This can result in collisions that would otherwise have been avoidable.
As a result, the state legislature acted to prohibit the use of cellphones to text while driving. Louisiana Revised Statutes (RS) §32:300.5 says that it is against the law for any driver to read, write, or send a text message.
Failure to follow this law is considered a moving violation and a serious issue that can support a civil case for damages. This is because the outcome of a traffic court case can be evidence in a case demanding compensation.
The legal professionals at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers could provide more information about the interactions between the texting while driving law and your claim for compensation. Contact us today to learn more.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientAn Attorney Can Help You Prove Fault
Proving fault for an accident involving texting while driving is only one part of a comprehensive case. It is just as important to be able to demonstrate how that incident has affected your life. Only by proving to a court or insurance company how a driver’s actions changed your life can you collect the payments you need to set things right.
A lawyer could take the lead in this process. A lawyer can contact hospitals and doctors’ offices on your behalf to gather evidence of your injuries and medical bills. An attorney can also get in touch with your workplace to determine how much time you missed on the job has impacted your finances.
Finally, a texting and driving accident lawyer in Kenner can work to understand how the crash affected your emotional well-being and quality of life. Only by painting a full picture of your life after the incident can your attorney fight for the payments you need to move forward.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientGet Help Today in Seeking Compensation After Your Collision
The legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can work to explain the relevant laws, gather evidence concerning the incident, measure how the crash has affected your life, and even follow a ticket through traffic court. You deserve to have someone on your side advocating for your financial recovery. You may be able to reach a fair settlement without going to court. Call or contact us online today for your free consultation.