A car accident in Jeanerette can result in serious injuries that force you to miss time at work. An accident can also have an emotional impact that requires significant recovery time. The time it takes to recover from a car accident can have a major impact on your finances.
If you were not at fault for the car accident you were involved in, you may be able to get compensation for the financial expenses and losses from the accident. The driver who caused the collision may be held liable for the full financial impact of the accident, including lost income and medical care costs for you and any passengers in your car.
A Jeanerette car accident lawyer can show you how to collect compensation from the at-fault driver or from their insurance provider. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777 to speak with a member of our team today about your right and ability to receive a monetary award from the at-fault driver in the accident.
File an Accurate Compensation Claim for a Jeanerette Car Accident
A Jeanerette car accident can lead to a surprising number of injuries, short-term and long-term hospital stays, and time away from your job. These incidents, which may occur in the days or weeks after a car accident, can have a major financial impact on you and your family.
A Jeanerette car accident lawyer can help you correctly value many of the expenses of the accident from the at-fault driver. Recoverable economic and noneconomic expenses include the full cost of medical expenses for your injuries. Medical expenses can range from ambulance and emergency room physician fees to casts, crutches, and necessary physical and occupational rehabilitation.
Accident-related expenses can also include loss of income if your injuries prevent you from returning to work for any length of time. Additionally, the emotional impact of a car accident and the injuries it creates can take a serious mental and financial toll, especially if someone you love is killed in the collision.
You can fight for the compensation you are entitled to. Contact a member of the client care team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers by calling (337) 777-7777. You will be able to review your case and start learning about the claim filing process and your possible compensation options.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientA Settlement Offer Could Fully Cover Your Expenses
The claim you file following a car accident is a personal injury claim. Few personal injury cases actually make it to trial in a court of law because most are resolved with financial settlements. A Jeanerette car accident lawyer can guide you through settlement negotiations with the at-fault driver so that any amount of money you are offered is fair and covers your financial expenses.
During these negotiations, you will assess the monetary value of your injury-related expenses and financial losses. The at-fault driver or his representative will also assign their own financial value to your case. If you and the other party can agree on a monetary value, you can accept the agreed-upon amount of money in exchange for releasing the other party from any further liability.
If both parties can agree on a financial settlement, this can be a simple, expedient way to cover the costs of the accident without creating an unreasonable financial burden for you. While your lawyer can guide you through the settlement process and advise you on the accuracy of any settlement offer made to you, you will always have the final say in whether or not you accept an offer.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientA Crash Report Is Valuable to Your Jeanerette Car Accident Lawyer
Because Louisiana exercises comparative fault in injury claims under CC 2323, having a Jeanerette car accident lawyer can help support your case and ensure full liability is accurately assigned to the at-fault driver. Assigning full liability is important because if the other driver claims you are partially at fault for the accident, any financial award you receive could be reduced by the degree of fault the other driver claims is yours.
Immediately after a car accident, many people call 911 to summon police to the scene. A 911 call can also bring emergency medical technicians to the scene if they are needed. Once police are on the scene of the accident, they make observations and take notes, which are written in their police report. Your lawyer might find this information beneficial for proving the full value of your compensation claim.
The information contained in a crash report can help your lawyer prove the other driver caused the accident. The crash report will contain the name and contact information of:
- The at-fault driver and their insurance company
- The police officer who investigated the collision
- Bystanders and witnesses to the accident
A crash report will also identify the driver who responded to your 911 call. Your lawyer can review the police officer’s notes and arrange a verbal interview if it becomes necessary. Your crash report might also contain diagrams and pictures that depict the scene of the collision and other relevant points of impact on each car. Obtain a copy of your crash report as soon as it becomes available and share it with your lawyer.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientFight the Financial Impact of a Jeanerette Car Accident
If a car accident in Jeanerette left you with physical injuries, property damage, and medical debt, you can hold the at-fault driver financially responsible for the costs and expenses you incurred. A Jeanerette car accident lawyer can help you collect the compensation you are entitled to.
Your medical bills and lost income can be covered by the driver who caused the accident. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (337) 777-7777, and a member of our team will help you take the first steps toward the monetary award you are entitled to for the financial impact of the accident.