If you or a loved one was recently in a truck accident in Gretna, you might be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and related damages. If you decide you want to move forward with a personal injury claim or lawsuit, a Gretna truck accident lawyer from our team can lead your pursuit of financial compensation.
Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (504) 777-7777 for a free case evaluation.
You Might Be Able to Fight for Compensation from More Than One Party
When it comes to truck accident cases in which the truck driver was determined to be at fault, you might be surprised to discover that there could be another liable party involved. While the truck driver may be at fault for the accident because of their physical involvement, their employer and potentially other parties could also be considered liable for either the truck driver’s actions or the vehicle they drove.
For example, the following parties could have liability in a truck accident:
- The truck driver: This individual caused the accident due to negligent behavior, such as being intoxicated, distracted, or fatigued while driving.
- The trucking company: Trucking companies are often considered vicariously liable for their employees’ actions and behavior.
- The truck’s maintenance company: Trucks must be regularly maintained. If the accident was caused by a vehicle malfunction due to a maintenance worker’s error, the maintenance company might be held liable.
- The truck’s manufacturer: If a vehicle malfunction occurred due to a faulty vehicle part or truck design error, the truck’s manufacturer may be held liable.
- A third party: Truck accidents sometimes involve multiple vehicles, in which case another party may have caused the accident, leading the truck to injure others.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCalculating Compensation Involves Evaluating All Your Damages
How much compensation you can demand from the liable party or parties will depend on the specific damages you incurred and continue to endure. If you are pursuing compensation through an insurance claim, your Gretna truck accident lawyer can review the insurance policy to determine its limits and what kind of damages you can claim.
However, you may have more flexibility with pursuing compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. For example, RS Art. 13:5106 caps the amount of non-economic damages a person can receive from a state agency; still, these limits may be higher than what an insurance policy will cover.
You may be able to recover the following types of damages with your truck accident case:
- Medical bills from procedures, surgeries, physical and imaging exams, diagnostic tests, blood work, emergency room treatment, hospital stays, and other medical-related costs
- Property damage that requires extensive repairs or total replacement
- Loss of income, including both current and future loss of wages
- Pain and suffering
- Costs for future medical care, which might include rehabilitation, physical therapy, or additional surgeries
- Costs for medical devices, such as crutches, prosthetic devices, or motorized wheelchairs
- Losses related to living with a permanent disability, change in appearance, or amputation
Worried that you’ll forget to list a particular damage in your demand letter? When you work with Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we factor in every potential damage you might have experienced. We know that not every client knows what they are entitled to claim, so our team may inquire about other potential damages to gauge how difficult your situation is.
To start the process, call our team today at (504) 777-7777. This call allows you to explain your situation to a team member, who can take notes for our legal team to review and monitor as we work together.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientOur Team Works Hard to Help Our Clients Build Their Cases
It takes a lot of work to prepare a truck accident case, and Louisiana does not give much time for people to decide to file a lawsuit. CC Art. 3492 generally allows people to file a lawsuit up to two years after the accident occurred. If they file after the two-year period, their case may get dismissed by a court judge.
Because of this restriction, our team does not want to waste time. From the moment you agree to be our client, our team will work hard to build your case as efficiently and effectively as possible. As your representative, we aim to do the following:
- Review materials you might already have about the truck accident, such as the crash report and insurance information
- Conduct a private investigation into your accident to determine if other parties or causal factors might be involved
- Collect additional pieces of evidence to support your case, which might involve interviewing relevant persons and requesting evidence from the opposing party
- Communicating with other parties on your behalf, such as the insurance company and the opposing party’s legal representative
- Preparing and submitting paperwork on your behalf
- Advising you as your case progresses
If you decide to file an insurance claim, we can monitor the statutory deadline as we negotiate a potential settlement. Should negotiations fail, we can file the appropriate paperwork to have your lawsuit recognized and accepted before the deadline passes.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientCall Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers for a Free Consultation
After a truck accident, call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers to help you build your case. We know how intimidating commercial businesses and their legal teams might seem, but do not let that deter you from fighting for the financial recovery you deserve. If you or a loved one was severely injured in an accident with a truck, we encourage you to stand up against the truck driver and the company liable for the accident.
Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers at (504) 777-7777 to discuss your case with our team in a free consultation. We can evaluate your case and have a Gretna truck accident lawyer begin putting materials together to move forward.