Americans love their dogs. From a survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) presented by the Insurance Information Institute (III), dogs were the most prolific pet in America with 63.4 million homes. While we may love our dogs, we also have a bit of fear when we see one charge at us. It is unsettling even if you see a dog on the loose. You may be unsure what kind of temperament he has, and some dogs do not act the same when they are away from their owner.
You may not know what will cause a dog to suddenly become aggressive. When that happens, it can be a scary situation because we know how much damage a dog can do. Between the biting and tearing, you can get hurt fast. Also, if you are dealing with a larger dog, you may even be knocked down.
No matter what kind of dog bite you are experiencing, you may want the assistance of a Eunice dog bite lawyer at the Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. Our lawyer will fight for you to ensure you obtain a fair financial recovery for your injuries. You have an advocate on your side with us.
At the Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, our Eunice dog bite lawyers have assisted many clients with cases similar to yours. Our mission is to fight to gain a fair monetary amount of compensation that is equal to your suffering.
You can count on us to consider your entire situation when we analyze your dog bite case. Our lawyers will fight for you to recover the losses you have incurred. We know you have sustained physical injuries, other losses, and pain and suffering
At the Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, our lawyers have over 350 years of combined experience, helping others win cases. We seek the evidence and present a strong case on your behalf. In the end, we can usually negotiate a fair settlement for you without going to court.
Discuss your case with the legal team at the Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. We will provide you with a free, no-obligation consultation at (337) 777-7777. In addition, you do not have to pay anything unless we collect a fair settlement for you.
About Dog Bites
You may not get a deadly bite if a dog attacks you, but it still can pose a serious threat to your body. Bites often require stitches or other wound care procedures. Also, some people fall in the process of trying to get away from a dog attack.
From an article published in Heliyon on the demographics of dog bites in the United States, the study showed the following data:
- More males (52.6%) than females (47.4%) were bitten.
- Younger people got more bites on the head and neck areas.
- Older patients got more bites on the upper extremity.
- About 1.7 % of cases result in a hospital admission.
- Bite location breakdown: upper extremity — 47.3%, head/neck — 26.8%, lower extremity — 21.5%, and trunk — 4.4%
- A majority of dog bites occurred in the summer and on weekends.
Whether you have a minor or severe injury, seek counsel from a Eunice dog bite lawyer. At the Laborde Earles Law, we will go over your case for free. Contact us at (337) 777-7777.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientProving Liability in a Dog Bite Case
Even if you get bit by a dog, the lawyer must still prove that the other party was liable. Your Eunice dog bite lawyer will help create a case based on evidence. Three main steps will help prove liability in your case. These are:
Duty of Care
What is the duty of care? In the broadest of terms, when we are involved in certain settings with other people, we expect those people we encounter in those situations to behave in a way that is not harmful or negligent. In other words, we are owed a reasonable care not to be injured. People must take precautions that others do not get hurt by their actions. For example, when we drive a vehicle, we have a duty of care to the other motorists. With dog owners, they owe a duty of care to the people that come into their homes or property. If they keep a dog at their place of business, then the same rules apply.
Breach of Duty
If someone fails in their duty of care, then they have breached their duty. This breach is done with dog owners when they know the dog has a history of any aggression, but they do not do anything to protect others.
If they have a dog with a history, they need to find some preventative way to ensure others’ safety. It may mean putting the dog in a kennel or securing it in some other way. Whatever way they choose, it must be secure.
Causation and Damages
There must also be a direct link between the attack and the injuries. In other words, the injuries must be consistent with a dog attack. Bite wounds will be obvious, but if you sustained other injuries, your lawyer would need to show how the attack led to those injuries. For example, if you do fall while pulling away from a dog attack, any harm from the fall can be connected to the attack. A lawyer can help you prove these connections.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWork with A Eunice Dog Bite Lawyer
Contact a knowledgeable Eunice dog bite lawyer and begin your case today. At the Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, our lawyers are ready to facilitate your case to a fair resolution. We will manage all relevant paperwork so that you can focus on healing.
Contact a Eunice dog bite lawyer for more information about filing your claim. Call our office at (337) 777-7777. We will provide you a free, no-obligation case consultation.