The legal questions after a commercial truck accident can be complex and confusing. Perhaps you have extensive costs and damages, and insurance companies are not offering you enough to cover your expenses. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain.
You may be able to seek appropriate compensation with help from a personal injury attorney. An Alexandria commercial truck accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can handle your case while you rest and recover from your injuries.
Careless Actions in a Commercial Truck Accident
Businesses can use commercial trucks to help make a profit. For example, a commercial truck could help transport a company’s product from one city to another.
Similar to other types of accidents, when people or groups act carelessly, it can result in a commercial truck accident.
More than one person can act negligently in a commercial truck accident. Acting carelessly or failing to act then results in accidents and injuries. Consider the following actions that could contribute to a commercial truck accident:
- A driver doesn’t notice changes in road conditions or doesn’t obey road rules, so he collides with other vehicles.
- Loaders fail to secure cargo properly in a commercial truck, so cargo becomes loose and causes more damage in an accident.
- Manufacturers fail to install safe parts on a commercial truck, so the truck doesn’t function properly and ends up in an accident.
- Truck companies don’t give their drivers appropriate training or set workloads that encourage truck drivers to cut corners. Hence, a driver ends up in an accident.
Your lawyer will take steps to prove the negligence of other involved parties and how their actions relate to the damages you experienced. This involves reviewing who was involved in the accident and the facts of what happened.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientSteps to Take After a Commercial Truck Accident
Regardless of who was at fault for the accident, there are a few wise steps you can take after experiencing a commercial truck accident. The three main steps after an accident are getting help, collecting evidence, and reporting.
- Get help: What this looks like will depend on what happened and your capacity to get help. You may need to call emergency medical services to ensure people in the accident receive proper medical treatment. Other times, someone else may need to help you get medical treatment. Make sure to follow up with doctors and get the treatment you need to recover as much as possible. You can also seek legal help from an attorney.
- Collect evidence: Take note of damages and injuries, including your expenses after the accident. You can take videos and photos of the crash site to demonstrate the extent of the damage. You can share this evidence with insurance companies and with your lawyer as you seek compensation.
- Report: You should report the accident to the appropriate authorities and parties involved in the aftermath. For example, you may need to inform the police of the accident. A commercial truck driver may need to tell their company. You may also need to notify the insurance companies used by those involved in the accident.
Overall, it’s essential to stay safe and calm and ask for help if you are uncertain about how to proceed.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientPotential Compensation in a Commercial Truck Accident
Compensation should help you cover expenses from your injuries and replace any property damaged in the commercial truck accident. If you have to replace your vehicle or other personal property, compensation could help with this. You may also receive compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, or lost wages.
In cases of more severe vehicle damages or injuries, you are more likely to recover a greater compensation amount. However, every commercial truck accident case is different, so it’s impossible to know for certain how much you may be able to recover in compensation.
You may also have the option to pursue a wrongful death claim on behalf of a loved one who was in a commercial truck accident. Compensation in these cases can help with costs you have had because of the death of your loved one.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientDo I Need to Work with a Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer?
After your accident, it may be beneficial to work with a commercial truck accident lawyer in Alexandria, LA. A lawyer can work on your behalf to help you recover compensation. This makes pursuing compensation easier for you, as you now have someone with legal expertise working with you.
Our legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers works in several specialty areas, including helping people who have been impacted by commercial truck accidents. We will be aware of the potential actions and approaches most helpful in your case. We will also help with the complex paperwork and negotiation involved to help you get the highest amount of compensation possible.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientWorking Within Deadlines of Filing a Lawsuit
You may receive a settlement compensation amount without having to file a lawsuit. But sometimes, filing a lawsuit will be the reason you get compensation. Under CC 3493.1, you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit in Louisiana. This is the same deadline that is in place for filing a wrongful death lawsuit under CC Art. 2315.2.
This deadline can approach quickly. Reaching out to a lawyer that specializes in helping with commercial truck cases can be helpful. This lawyer will know this two-year deadline and will work to help you take legal action within this timeframe.
Get Started with a Free Consultation Today
If you need legal assistance with your commercial truck accident, Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is here to help. To contact us, you can fill out the form online to tell us about your case. From here, we will review your case for free, so you can get the help you need from a commercial truck accident attorney in Alexandria, LA. Get started with your case today.