Your collarbone runs shoulder to shoulder and connects your breastbone to your rib cage. It helps regulate movements made by your upper torso and arms. However, a broken collarbone can feel painful because of its relatively frequent use. Much of the pain comes from the discomfort of inflammation, soreness, and bruising, and significant pain can lead to additional complications.
Is your collarbone injury the result of someone else’s negligence? If so, you could be entitled to recoup the costs of your treatment and recovery. A personal injury lawyer can help you identify and pursue the at-fault party. So, consider your compensation options as soon as you notice the symptoms of a broken collarbone after a car accident.
What Are the Signs of a Broken Collarbone?
According to the Mayo Clinic, the primary warning signs of a fractured collarbone include pain that increases when you move your shoulders and a limited range of motion. Additional symptoms of a collarbone fracture include:
- Shoulder swelling, discoloration, or bulging
- Grating or popping sounds with shoulder movement
- Rigidness or inability to move your shoulder
Your car accident attorney will obtain your medical records and police report and use them to prove the cause, effect, and cost of your collarbone injury.
How Will My Doctor Treat My Broken Collarbone Symptoms and Pain?
As part of your treatment plan, your health care team will ask questions about how your injury occurred. So, when you describe the car accident, be sure to mention your seat position in the car and whether you wore a seat belt. Providing as many details as possible can ensure appropriate treatment.
Treatment for a fractured collarbone can include medication to control pain. In addition, you might also undergo physical therapy and rehabilitative care. If severe enough, treating your collarbone injury might require surgical intervention.
How Long Does it Take to Heal From a Broken Collarbone?
The healing and recovery process varies according to the injured person’s age and overall health. Their lifestyle choices will also dictate their treatment protocol. For example, a child’s recovery can take three to six weeks.
However, complete recovery from a collarbone injury for adults can take up to three months. This period is time you may be unable to return to work. Your lawyer will help you recoup any resulting income loss.
Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCan a Car Accident Cause a Broken Collarbone?
Yes. A motor vehicle accident is an identified cause of a broken collarbone. So, if a negligent driver caused your accident and injury, your lawyer could document it. Their investigation will prove the at-fault driver’s breach of their duty to drive safely and the causation of your damages. These legal factors allow you to pursue personal injury compensation.
Who Will Pay for My Medical Care?
A broken collarbone can require emergency and ongoing medical care. Your medical bills can start accumulating at the accident scene and continue for months until your recovery is complete.
However, you can hold the driver whose negligence caused your car accident financially responsible for your medical bills. In addition to medical expenses, you can recover lost wages, pain and suffering, and other economic and noneconomic damages.
How Much Time Do I Have to Request Compensation?
The filing deadline (statute of limitations) varies on a state-by-state basis. For example, CC Art. 3492 gives Louisiana victims two years to file a personal injury lawsuit following an auto accident.
The deadline could vary according to:
- The outcome of the accident
- The age of the injured party
- Involvement of a municipality
In addition to the filing deadline, you must also meet additional notification deadlines. The lawyer who handles your case will review the circumstances of your case to ensure you don’t miss the filing deadline.
Do I Need a Lawyer to Pursue Damages for a Fractured Collarbone?
Most states allow you to pursue an at-fault driver and negotiate with their insurance company without hiring an attorney. However, there are many benefits to hiring a car accident lawyer to represent you. They include:
- Investigating your accident
- Calculating your potential recovery
- Proving the at-fault driver’s negligence
- Collecting compelling proof and evidence
- Speaking with all interested parties
- Clarifying legal and insurance jargon
- Providing ongoing updates on your case
- Negotiating a favorable monetary settlement
Your lawyer will handle the details of your financial recovery. They will also represent you if your case goes to court and fight for the compensation you need and deserve.
I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientGet Your Free Case Review Today
If you suffered a broken collarbone in a car accident, we know it can feel like the pain will last forever. At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we make sure you have time to focus on your recovery. Contact one of our team members today to learn how hard we fight to recover the compensation you deserve for the at-fault party’s negligence.