There is no average settlement for chest pain or related injuries following a Louisiana car accident. This is because each crash and the resulting injuries are unique, and there is no way to compare the expenses and losses two victims have experienced.
The compensation you may be able to recover following a collision depends on the nature and severity of your injuries, the circumstances that led to the crash, other damages you suffered, and more. Our attorney can help you understand what a fair settlement might look like for you after investigating your collision.
Many Types of Injuries Can Cause Chest Pain Following a Traffic Accident
You should never ignore chest pain, even if you believe it is only contusions that are related to a recent traffic accident. If you present with chest pain immediately or develop chest pain following a collision, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. It could be a sign of:
- Broken ribs
- A punctured lung, often caused by a rib fracture
- A bruised sternum or ribs
- Muscle strains
- Internal injuries, including to the heart or lungs
- Whiplash, which can cause pain in the upper chest and shoulders
In some cases, a car accident can trigger a heart attack, too. Your injuries could indicate something serious. Chest pain may come in several forms, including:
- Sharp and stabbing sensations, especially when you move
- Pain when coughing, laughing, or other similar activities
- Continued dull pain or discomfort
- Pain when you press on the affected area
Treatment for Your Car Accident Chest Injuries
The treatment you require for chest pain and related injuries will likely depend on your diagnosis. The doctor will probably ask you questions about your pain and the accident, use medical imaging, and conduct an exam to diagnose you.
Rest, compression, surgery, and other treatment may be possible. You may require prescription pain relief, as well. The injuries and medications you need could keep you out of work. Your doctor will likely prescribe limited activities, and your injuries may cause pain until they heal. In some cases, you could develop chronic pain.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientBuilding a Case to Pursue Compensation for Your Louisiana Car Crash Injuries
If the other driver caused your collision and chest injuries, you can file a claim based on their auto liability coverage. Their insurer will want to see evidence to show:
- Their policyholder’s negligence and liability
- Your injuries
- The value of your damages
The evidence in these cases varies, but it could include:
- The first responders’ report
- Eyewitness accounts
- Video or pictures
- A survey of the crash scene
- Accident reconstruction by experts
- Interviews with experts
- Medical records related to your injuries
- Medical bills, car repair estimates, and other paperwork proving expenses

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientYou May be Able to Secure Compensation for Your Related Expenses and Losses
It may be possible to get a payout that appropriately compensates you for the costs and losses you endured due to the accident. This could include a range of damages related to your injuries, the damage to your vehicle, and the psychological effects of the accident.
Examples of types of damages available include:
- Current and future medical treatment costs
- Lost income and reduced earning capacity
- Property damages
- Out-of-pocket costs
- Pain and suffering damages
Louisiana also allows for the recovery of wrongful death damages under CC Art. 2315.2. These damages are available for families whose loved ones died from their injuries.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientHow an Attorney Can Help with Your Chest Pain Car Accident Settlement
Many car accident victims choose to work with an attorney because they can make seeking and securing insurance settlements much easier. Instead of handling all the leg work – and paperwork – on your own, our law firm will do it on your behalf. We know how to prepare and file claims and negotiate fair settlements.
We can also protect your rights and take steps to ensure the insurance company treats you fairly. We will determine what a fair settlement might be in your case and will not settle for a low-ball offer. We can also sue the at-fault driver if their insurer does not pay out justly.
Statute of Limitations in Louisiana
Car accident victims in Louisiana generally have two years to sue the liable driver under CC 3493.1. Some cases may have different deadlines, so you are advised to speak with an attorney as soon as you feel well enough after tending to your injuries.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientSpeak with Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers for Free Today
You can talk to a member of our legal team about your case for free today. Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers provides free consultations to Louisiana car accident victims. We can help you understand the strength of the case and your options for holding the at-fault driver responsible.
Call our main office in Lafayette today at (337) 777-7777. We may be able to go to start work on your case right away.