If the at-fault driver in an accident doesn’t have insurance, you might be able to recover compensation from your own insurance company. In other cases, you might be able to sue the uninsured driver. A car accident can be a frightening and costly event, but you have options for financial recovery.
On your own, it can be difficult to determine what to do if the at-fault driver in an accident doesn’t have insurance. If you hire a personal injury lawyer to represent you, they can explain your legal options based on the factors of your case. They can also negotiate a settlement with your insurer or help you file a personal injury lawsuit against the uninsured driver.
A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Explain Your Legal Options When the Other Driver Isn’t Insured
To ensure you get the compensation you need, your personal injury lawyer will examine your insurance policy. We can determine what your policy covers and then gather the necessary evidence to support your claim.
In most states, drivers are required to purchase some form of insurance before they get on the road. If you are insured, your lawyer can:
- Review your policy limits
- Investigate the details of your accident
- Build a compelling evidence file
- Handle all case-related communication
- Determine the accident’s financial costs
Your lawyer will also handle the negotiation process with your insurer. Our team will not allow the insurance company to use tricky tactics or offer you a settlement that is too low.
You May Have To Pursue The Uninsured Driver Directly for Compensation
According to Insurance Information Institute (III) statistics, more than 12% of drivers are uninsured. When an uninsured driver causes an accident, you could pursue compensation via a civil lawsuit. This can be a lengthy legal process, making the support of a lawyer beneficial.
On your behalf, they can collect evidence, conduct depositions, and prove negligence and financial liability. Your lawyer may also be able to negotiate a lawsuit settlement, helping you avoid the stress and uncertainty of a trial.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientKnow What Damages You Can Recover After an Uninsured Driver Car Accident
Recovering from a car accident takes time, and you deserve to focus on optimizing your recovery. To ensure you can receive the medical and psychological care your injuries require, your lawyer will handle your case for you. Depending on the legal route we take, you may be able to request compensation for the following damages:
- Accident-related medical care
- Accident-related income loss
- Vehicle damage or total loss
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental and emotional anguish
- Disfigurement or disability
Your family can also recover a range of wrongful death damages if a loved one was fatally injured in a car accident. Your lawyer will create a comprehensive list of your recoverable economic and non-economic damages and handle settlement negotiations on your behalf.
Start Exploring Your Financial Recovery Options Right Away
Whether you seek compensation from your insurer or by taking the at-fault driver to court, you need to be aware of the statute of limitations in your state. Understanding and complying with the appropriate filing deadline is crucial to your case. Filing too late could mean:
- You will not be permitted to file your lawsuit at all
- Your case will be dismissed without being heard
- You inadvertently forfeit your right to compensation
While the statute of limitations is mandatory, it can also be complicated. The applicable filing date can change based on various circumstances of your case. With enough notice from you, a local lawyer will clarify the filing deadline and ensure it is accurately interpreted and met.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientCollect Evidence That Proves the Uninsured Driver Is Liable
Another driver is at fault for your accident when they owed you a duty of reasonable care, breached their responsibility to provide it, then caused your accident-related injuries and resulting damages. To prove the at-fault driver’s negligence, your lawyer will collect evidence including:
- Car accident report
- Accident scene photos
- Witness statements
- Available video footage
This evidence will prove the accident’s causes and contributing factors. Your lawyer will also collect evidence that establishes the accident’s financial toll. This can include your medical records and bills, salary history records, injury photos, and your own written statement about the toll the accident has taken on your life and lifestyle.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientCall for a Free Review of Your Uninsured Driver Car Accident Case Today
If you do not know how to seek compensation when the at-fault driver is uninsured, our team is here to help. Our car accident attorney can help you pursue the at-fault driver through a lawsuit. You could also turn to your own insurance policy for monetary recovery.
Learn more about your options for financial compensation by contacting our case review team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today.