If a dog has bitten you or a family member, you may be eligible for financial compensation. The dog’s owner could be held legally liable for your injuries and other losses. Dog bites can cause serious wounds and infections that can prove costly with the need for medical care and treatment and possibly time away from work.
A Houma dog bite lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can analyze your case, determine who is liable, and hold them accountable for your damages. It’s important to know your legal options if a dog bite attack happens to you. Our attorneys represent people like you who have suffered physical injury and psychological trauma resulting from dog bite attacks.
Compensation You May Receive in a Houma Dog Bite Case
A dog bite can be a serious injury resulting in costly medical bills and pain and suffering. When one of our Houma dog bite attorneys helps you file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit against the dog’s owner, you may be eligible for two types of damages:
Economic Damages:
These damages account for your out-of-pocket expenses due to the dog bite and subsequent injuries. These include:
- Current and future medical expenses (e.g., hospital visit, imaging tests, surgeries, prescription medications, rehabilitation)
- Loss of income due to injury, recovery, or disability
- Reduced earning capacity if your injuries prevent you from performing your current job duties, forcing you to take a lower-paying job
- Property damage in the attack
Non-Economic Damages:
These damages account for the physical and emotional toll the dog bite has caused you. These include:
- Pain and suffering from either physical or mental trauma
- Scars or other permanent disfigurements as a result of the dog’s attack
- An inability to enjoy life as you did before the dog attack
How Much Compensation Can I Expect?
There are several factors that can affect the amount of compensation you might receive. These can include the severity of your injury, the situation surrounding the attack, and the degree of negligence involved. Your Houma dog bite lawyer will need to analyze your case before making any expected estimates. But rest assured your attorney will pursue the fair and full amount of compensation you will need to move forward.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientLiability in a Houma Dog Bite Case
Louisiana has laws protecting people from unprovoked dog bite attacks. According to CC Art. 2321, a dog owner can be held liable for your injuries and other losses if:
- They knew the dog had an aggressive behavior and/or had bitten someone else in the past
- They did not exercise “reasonable care” in protecting you or your family member from the potentially dangerous animal
- The dog bit you without provocation
Your dog bite lawyer handling cases in Houma can build a strong case against the liable dog owner based on the facts of your case.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHow Our Dog Bite Lawyer in Houma Can Help
Having a Houma dog bite lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers on your side can be beneficial in a number of ways. They will handle every aspect of your case while you focus on healing from the attack. Our team can help with the following:
Explain Your Rights
Keeping up with current laws and amendments can be time-consuming. Our attorneys are up to date with these changes and can represent our clients with the most recent information. Your lawyer will explain your rights, evaluate your chances of success, and explain the proceedings.
Collect Evidence
How well you prepare and argue your case can affect the compensation you’re awarded. Your lawyer can help you collect the compelling evidence you need. This includes the police report, your medical records, any video or photos of the dog and the attack, and anything else linking the dog owner to your injury. Your lawyer will also interview any witnesses to the attack.
Handle All Communications
Your attorney will handle all communications with the other side’s insurance company. They will negotiate for the best possible outcome in your case and accept no less.
Take Your Case to Trial
Our Houma dog bite attorney will take your case to trial if their insurance company refuses to settle. This is why it’s so important to file your case on time in the proper court, so you do not lose your chance to seek compensation.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientWhen Is the Right Time to File a Dog Bite Lawsuit in Houma, LA?
In Louisiana, a dog attack victim has two years from the date of the attack to file a lawsuit against the owner, as outlined in CC Art. 3492. If a lawsuit is filed beyond the two-year statute of limitations, the court will likely not hear the case.
A Houma dog bite lawyer from our firm will ensure all pertinent paperwork is filed on time in civil court. Our lawyers are familiar with the laws and statutes in Louisiana that could affect your case.
With Our Firm You Pay Nothing Upfront
Dog bite lawyers often work on a contingency basis, meaning that you pay us nothing upfront or out of pocket unless we secure a settlement or court award for you. In that case, we are paid out of an agreed-upon percentage of your winnings.
This way, you can afford to hire a lawyer to represent you without worry you cannot afford it right now. We know you are dealing with the pain and trauma of the dog bite, and you need to focus on your recovery, not costly bills and expenses.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientCall Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers for Help
If you have experienced personal injury or mental trauma due to a dog bite, consult with a law firm that knows the law regarding your case.
Our Houma dog bite lawyer can explore your legal options and what kind of compensation you’re entitled to under the law. And when a settlement offer is presented, your attorney will know if it’s a reasonable offer. Call (337) 777-7777 to speak with a team member today.