Parking lot collisions are a common occurrence in Avoyelles Parish. While the injuries sustained in these incidents are typically less severe than crashes on roads or highways, parking lot accidents often involve unique challenges for personal injury attorneys.
If you sustained an injury in a parking lot crash due to another person’s careless or reckless conduct, you could have a viable claim for compensation. An Avoyelles Parish parking lot accident lawyer could review your case and help you hold the at-fault parties accountable for your losses. Contact a seasoned car wreck attorney today.
Liability in a Parking Lot Accident
Accidents in a parking lot differ significantly than a crash on a public roadway. Unlike a collision on a highway or road, drivers in a parking lot are not governed by state traffic laws. At an injury trial, the courts often rely on which vehicle had the right-of-way to determine fault.
Right of Way
Most parking lots contain several rows of parking spaces serviced by lanes around the perimeter or through the center. Generally speaking, a vehicle established in a lane will have the right-of-way over cars pulling out of parking spots. Additionally, drivers entering one lane from another must yield to vehicles established in the lane they are entering. Determining which vehicle had the right of way is a critical role of any Avoyelles Parish parking lot accident attorney.
One of the most common causes of a parking lot crash involves one vehicle pulling out of or into a parking spot. These collisions can occur between two vehicles angling for the same spot. They can also involve one driver pulling out of a parking spot without checking for oncoming traffic.
Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientTrial Challenges in a Parking Lot Lawsuit
Parking lot accident claims involve several unique challenges. A parking lot accident lawyer in Avoyelles Parish could help victims navigate the maze of settlement negotiations and litigation in pursuit of fair payment.
No Police Report
One of the distinct complicating factors of a parking lot accident is that there is rarely a police report. While police reports are typically inadmissible at trial, they are invaluable in the early stages of a case. The police typically make a note of their entire investigation, and if the other driver makes an incriminating statement, it should go into the report. Likewise, police typically identify and interview any witnesses at the scene. Without a police report, an Avoyelles Parish parking lot accident attorney will miss out on an important investigative tool.
Unclear Liability
Unlike an accident on a roadway, it can be challenging to determine the at-fault party in a parking lot. One reason for these difficulties is there are no “rules of the road” that obligate a driver to comply. Establishing negligence can be challenging, as there are fewer clear duties drivers owe each other. Fortunately, an accomplished lawyer could help with establishing liability.
No Tickets Issued
In many cases, the police will not even respond to your parking lot crash. If the crash occurs on private property, the police may leave it as a civil matter without investigating. The result is that the negligent party may not end up with a conviction for a traffic offense. This is a setback because a criminal conviction can be useful evidence in a civil personal injury claim.
I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientContact an Avoyelles Parish Parking Lot Accident Attorney
If a negligent driver caused you to suffer injuries in a parking lot, you have the right to monetary compensation. While parking lot cases can be challenging, a seasoned Avoyelles Parish parking lot accident lawyer could provide the help you need to obtain financial recovery. Call today to discuss your case.