An Alexandria mass torts lawyer from Laborde Earles injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve. We have the dedication, experience, and skill to fight for your justice in a mass torts case and seek compensation for all of your losses.
Mass Torts Defined
When a company or organization manufactures a product that harms a group of people, that negligence can be addressed in a mass tort lawsuit. Similar to class action lawsuits, a mass torts case is defined as such due to the individuals seeking compensation being grouped together.
There are quite a few examples of mass torts, such as pharmaceutical companies that cause harm to individuals through faulty medical devices resulting in illness or injury to the victims who used them. Your Alexandria mass torts lawyer can make sure that you are well-represented and that your rights are protected, seeking the justice you deserve.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWho is Involved in a Mass Torts Case?
There are usually at least a few plaintiffs in a mass torts case who are the main individuals involved in the lawsuit. In most cases, they are grouped together because the amount of money they may have been awarded separately wouldn’t be enough for the case to be cost-effective. In the case of mass torts, if the group of individuals has similar injuries, it’s often worthwhile to pursue the claim as one group as opposed to each one pursuing a case independently.
An individual could opt into mass torts if the same harmful product or negligence by a company caused the plaintiffs all to have similar injuries. Your Alexandria mass torts lawyer can contact all the parties involved and handle all negotiations on your behalf.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientMass Torts Benefits
There are quite a few benefits to a mass torts case, as it assembles a large number of victims and costs less to go through with the litigation in a group than individually. This allows a group of victims to pursue the compensation they deserve for their injuries and benefits those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to file a lawsuit, as they can opt into the mass tort suit.
If mass torts did not exist, each individual would have to file for compensation separately, preventing some victims from getting any compensation and leaving them to pay for their damages on their own.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientCommon Types of Mass Torts
Some of the most common mass torts involve prescription drugs, medical devices, and asbestos exposure. Lately, there have been quite a few prolific and controversial cases involving Celebrex and Vioxx, which have caused stroke, heart attack, and other medical issues.
Some medical devices, such as hip transplants, have also been the center of many mass torts claims. In addition, asbestos has also been the center of many mass torts cases, as issues such as mesothelioma can be developed from prolonged exposure to the substance.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientWhy File a Mass Tort?
There are quite a few reasons to file a mass torts case. One of the obvious reasons is that you have a chance to be compensated for your injuries. In mass torts cases, the victims can band together, hire lawyers and experts, and get witnesses to support their claims.
Furthermore, mass torts cases sometimes get substantial attention in the media, which puts more pressure on the defendant to make the situation right or risk their professional reputation. Lastly, a mass torts case can bring a significant amount of change and prevent the same injury or illness from happening to anyone else.
Mass Torts vs. Class Action
A mass tort is defined as a civil action that comes into play when many different plaintiffs experience the same injuries as a result of the negligence of the defendant. A class action suit is a procedural device that includes more than one plaintiff with the same claims in the lawsuit.
Mass torts usually involve personal injury or property damage, while class action suits vary from contracts to employment issues. Furthermore, in a mass torts case, each individual has the opportunity to either take the case to court or settle, while in class actions, every individual settles or goes to court as a group.
Compensation Available in a Mass Torts Case
There are quite a few different types of compensation available in a mass torts case, depending on each victim’s circumstance. If damages are recovered in a mass torts case, they are often rewarded by covering medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, disfigurement, emotional distress, and more.
How to Settle Mass Torts Cases
For a mass torts case to settle, the defendants must agree upon a certain amount of damages to the plaintiffs. If the judge favors the plaintiffs, the trial will be dismissed and the defendants will have to pay the damages. You can also settle mass torts as an individual, where an agreement is made between the two parties privately outside of the courtroom.
Get In Touch With Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers Today
Now that you know more about mass torts lawsuits, you can confidently get in touch with one of our mass torts lawyers serving Alexandria today. We are here to fight for you and ensure your voice is heard. We want to make sure that you get the compensation you deserve as a result of your pain and suffering, lost income, and medical expenses.
Contact the dedicated legal team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today! We offer each of our clients a free consultation to talk about their cases and their options and make a plan to move forward.