If you suffered injuries in a shipyard, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover compensation for your damages. These cases may include people who were hurt while:
- Building a ship
- Repairing a ship
- Working in a ship while in the harbor
- Performing ship maintenance
An Alexandria shipyard accident lawyer from our firm can help you understand your legal options after an accident.
Getting Compensation After a Shipyard Accident
Shipyards can be dangerous places to work, as reported by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Any number of hazards can lead to shipyard accidents, from the use of dangerous tools and equipment to working in confined spaces.
You may be able to pursue damages from a liable party if the accident that led to your injuries occurred due to negligence. Liable parties may include:
- Third-party ship owners
- Third-party contracting companies
- The shipyard owner/operator

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientFiling a Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) Lawsuit
The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) protects the rights of maritime workers, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation (DLHWC).
Under this Act, maritime workers may sue liable parties to pursue damages for workplace accidents. Coverage from the LHWCA extends to those injured in a shipyard accident. If you were injured on the job, an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you recover damages.
Shipyard Workers Covered by the Longshore Act
Typically, the LHWCA covers maritime workers who can be defined as “maritime employees.” According to this definition, a maritime employee:
- Generally works on the repair or building of a ship
- May help with loading/unloading (harbor workers)
- Is also called a “longshore worker”
Why is it important to know how this federal law defines your job? This definition will affect how you file for damages.
Maritime Workers Not Covered by the LHWCA
If you do not fall under the definition of a maritime employee, you may have to file for compensation under the Jones Act instead of the LHWCA.
According to the DOL, the Jones Act covers those who work at sea, also called a “seaman.” A seaman also contributes to work on the ship, but unlike longshore or harbor workers, they may spend the majority of their time working aboard the vessel while on open waters.
Maritime Injury Cases vs. Workers’ Compensation Claims
Maritime employees and seamen alike do not have access to general U.S. workers’ compensation benefits—these funds are for land workers.
Instead, the LHWCA and the Jones Act allow maritime workers, including those harmed in shipyard accidents, to file for damages from workplace accidents. These laws cover workers’ compensation benefits, when they apply, as well as the right to file a lawsuit against a liable party for negligence.
If you’re unsure which law may apply to your case, an Alexandria shipyard accident lawyer can help simplify this process for you.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientDamages You May Recover for Shipyard Accident Injuries
When you are ready to file, you may be able to seek several different damages depending on the circumstances of the accident. Damages, or compensation, are meant to help you recover from your injuries and replace any income you may have lost due to the accident.
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
Workers’ compensation benefits for shipyard workers cover any wages you lose from the time the accident occurred until you recover and can return to work. This includes:
- Salary/wages
- Health insurance coverage
- Employer-paid benefits, such as 401k earnings
- PTO benefits
If you are expected to have an extensive recovery time, or if you suffer life-altering damage, you may be able to file for these damages separately in your injury lawsuit.
Medical Expenses
Typically, a third-party ship owner or contractor will have to pay for your medical care if they are found to be liable for the accident.
Medical expenses vary greatly from one person to the next, but some typical medical costs in shipyard injury cases include:
- Acute medical care costs
- Follow-up care
- Emergency medical assistance costs
- Surgeries
- X-rays and other tests or scans
- Pain-reliever medication costs
Other Damages
Shipyard accidents can be devastating, potentially leading to permanent injuries that leave you with physical disabilities or impairments. Some people may lose loved ones to these incidents as well, leading to great pain and suffering for surviving family members.
In cases like these, additional compensation may be available. Examples of other damages in shipyard injury cases include:
- Mental anguish
- Funeral and burial costs
- Projected future medical expenses or loss of work

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientHow an Alexandria Shipyard Accident Lawyer Can Help
After a serious accident, injured parties often want to get compensation as soon as possible to get on with their lives. Working with us can help you through this process, as our firm will handle all aspects of the financial recovery process when we represent you.
A lawyer from our team will provide multiple services along the way, such as:
Determining the Liable Party
Whoever was at fault for the accident can be held liable if the court finds that they were negligent in some way, and this negligence led to your injuries. We know how to prove liability and will help you understand who may owe you compensation.
Keeping You Informed
Filing a lawsuit can be a confusing process, but our shipyard accident team can help you stay up to date. We will ensure you are always aware of any progress in your case and the next steps to take.
Offering Support and Advocacy
Working with our firm means you have access to constant legal advice and someone who will fight for fair compensation on your behalf.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientReach Out to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyer for Help with a Maritime Injury Case
Are you ready to learn how to pursue compensation for your injuries? An Alexandria shipyard accident lawyer from our team can help. At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we have a proven track record in personal injury cases, with multiple million-dollar verdicts. Call us today at (318) 777-7777 for your free consultation.