The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that broken or uneven stairs and unsecured rugs and carpeting are among the most common causes of slip and fall accidents. Additional common causes include:
- Clutter and debris
- Icy or slippery stairs
- Spills or slick floors
- Collisions with people
- Collisions with objects
- Unstable climbing equipment
A lawyer serving the Lafayette area can help you learn more about the most common causes of slip and fall accidents and the specific cause of your accident. Your lawyer may also help you explore financial recovery options and help you prove the cause and cost of your accidental fall. They could also be your advocate and update you as your lawsuit progresses.
You Do Not Have to Seek Compensation on Your Own
When you hire a lawyer to help you recoup the costs of your injuries and their related expenses, you and your lawyer must prove the at-fault party’s negligence that forms the basis of your lawsuit. Your lawyer will aim to help you prove that the at-fault party violated their duty to provide you with a standard of care, causing your injuries and financial damages.
One advantage of hiring a Lafayette lawyer may include their ability to ensure your lawsuit complies with all applicable personal injury laws. Your lawyer may also be able to help you fight back against any allegation that you played a role in your injuries.
According to CC Art. 2323, if you are found to bear 30% of the fault for your fall, a corresponding 30% will be deducted from your potential financial award.
Assigning fault and liability to the at-fault party, proving you were not responsible for your fall, and coping with your physical recovery at the same time might be stressful and demanding. Your lawyer can help you fight for the compensation package you deserve due to the at-fault party’s negligence. They can also evaluate the cost of your potential compensation.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCommon Costs of Slip and Fall Injuries
If you slipped and fell and injured yourself because of another person’s negligence, you might have the basis of a personal injury lawsuit. When you file a lawsuit against the at-fault party, CC Art. 2315 may entitle you to recover financial damages for:
- Medical care for your injuries until your recovery is complete
- Income loss stemming from your injuries and their treatment
- Damage or destruction of any property caused by your fall
- Physical, mental, and emotional pain and suffering
- Long-lasting or permanently disabling physical impairments
Accurately assessing your financial expenses and losses might be challenging on your own. A lawyer might be able to help you take an objective look at the true financial aftermath of the accident. An attorney may also help by assigning a financial value to your accidental fall, ensuring your lawsuit is not undervalued. They can also negotiate a favorable settlement with the at-fault party or their insurance carrier.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientStart Building Your Slip and Fall Compensation Lawsuit Immediately
Do not put off filing your lawsuit. CC Art. 3492 generally entitles you to as little as two years from the date of your fall to file your lawsuit. The same two-year statute of limitations applies if you are filing a wrongful death lawsuit because a loved one was fatally injured in a fall, per CC Art. 2315.2.
If you miss these key deadlines, you may miss out on your chance to collect damages from the party who caused your accident.
If you fell on city or government property and plan to seek compensation from a municipality, you may also be required to make specific notifications within a specified period. If a minor was injured in a fall, it may alter the filing deadline.
A personal injury lawyer can help you understand the statute of limitations and any alterations to the standard filing deadline that could impact your lawsuit.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientYou May Be Eligible for Monetary Recovery
If you were injured when you slipped and fell, you may have the right to hold the at-fault party liable. Whether your injury occurred because of one of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents or due to an unusual cause, you may be eligible for monetary recovery.
When you are ready to hold the negligent party financially responsible for your injuries and expenses, our team is here to fight by your side. Contact the personal injury team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers by calling (337) 777-7777 to start the financial recovery process today.