If your truck accident claim was denied by USAgencies Insurance or any other insurance company, you can appeal the decision. It’s not uncommon to have an insurance claim denied by the at-fault insurer. Your claim being denied may seem like the end of the line, but you do not have to settle for that outcome, especially if you were involved in a truck accident that left you with serious or life-threatening injuries. You deserve justice. Here are some things you can do to fight back.
Find Out Why Your Truck Accident Claim Was Denied
Your first course of action after USAgencies denies your claim is to make sure you understand why. Insurance companies can be a mixed bag. In general, their primary concern is saving money. Some of them will do that by any means necessary, even if that’s unjustly denying your claim. Therefore, it’s important to have a full grasp on their reasoning to make sure they are not acting in bad faith. The insurer could have valid reasons for denying you compensation.
On the other hand, they may be rejecting your claim for no good reason at all but under the guise of validity. Either way, their decision can be addressed and appealed once you know why you were denied. The insurer will send a denial letter explaining why your truck accident claim is being denied. Read it carefully.
Reasons Why Your Truck Accident Claim May Have Been Denied By USAgencies
Typical reasons for denying an accident claim include:
- Insufficient evidence of liability
- They believe you caused the accident and your injuries
- They believe or assert that your injuries were pre-existing
- You waited too long to seek medical treatment and they don’t believe you are really hurt
- Errors in filling out paperwork

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientCorrect Errors And Provide Missing Information
If your denial was based on an error in paperwork or missing information, you may be able to simply correct those errors and supply the information necessary. However, if it was a more in-depth reason, you will have to do more.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientAppeal The Insurance Claim Denial With Strong Evidence
To appeal your insurance claim denial, you can gather evidence that refutes the insurer’s reasoning. The more evidence, the better. Adding witness testimony, expert testimony, a medical report explaining the prognosis of your injuries, video footage, medical records, photos, a letter from your employer explaining you’ve been missing work, and supporting documents like your work schedule can strengthen your claim.
Write A Letter Explaining How The Evidence And Law Applies
In an appeal letter, be sure to include how each piece of evidence you’ve provided counters their reason for denying your claim. Be thorough and provide details, but be careful not to provide information that could weaken your claim. Point to any laws you are aware of that address the situation as well, especially if you believe USAgencies or another insurer is acting in bad faith.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientBad Faith Insurance Practices
Under Louisiana Revised Statute § 22:1973, insurers are required to adjust claims timely and fairly, and also to make a reasonable effort to settle them. Certain actions by the insurance company are considered bad faith. The law enumerates them as follows:
- Misrepresenting relevant facts or insurance policy provisions relating to any coverages at issue
- Failing to pay a settlement within 30 days from an agreement that was reached and placed in writing
- Denying coverage or attempting to settle a claim based on an application the insurer knows was altered without the notice, consent, or knowledge of the insured
- Misleading a claimant as to when legal action may be taken
- Failing to pay a claim owed to the insured within 60 days after receiving satisfactory proof of loss from the claimant when such failure is arbitrary, irrational or unreasonable, or without probable cause
- Failing to pay claims in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. § 22:1893 concerning immovable property when such failure is arbitrary, irrational or unreasonable, or without probable cause

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientHandling An Insurance Claim Appeal Can Be A Headache. Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers
If you’re unsure what to do when USAgencies or another insurance company denies your truck accident claim for compensation, you can contact an attorney at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers. Hiring a Louisiana truck lawyer to appeal the denial for you can alleviate much of the stress and uncertainty you feel over your insurance claim. An attorney at our law firm will review your claim denial letter, properly investigate your truck accident in Louisiana, compile the appropriate evidence needed to effectively address the insurance adjuster’s reasons for denying you, and demand the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.
We’re here to show the insurance company that you mean business. With over 350 years of combined experience working at our firm and more than $200 million recovered for clients, we have the resources to get you the results. Call us today for a free consultation.