The personal injury lawyers in Monroe can’t help you open a criminal case against a negligent driver. Laborde Earles can help you fight for loss-based damages, though. Our efforts can get you back on your feet after a financially devastating loss. You can contact us today to book a FREE car accident case evaluation.
You Need to Act Quickly After a Car Accident
You don’t have long to file a car accident claim after your initial crash. Louisiana likes to keep the turnaround on its personal injury cases tight. As such, CC Art. 3492 gives you no more than two years to find the evidence you need to hold another party financially accountable for your recovery.
Louisiana judges believe that evidence filed later than two years after an accident no longer accurately reflects the nature of that accident. There are a few exceptions to this deadline, too. Even if you lose a loved one in a car accident, the state’s wrongful death statute of limitations, CC Art. 2315.2, gives you only two years to act.
If you want to take legal action against a negligent party, make sure you work with a team that can stay on top of your relevant filing deadline. Laborde Earles has decades of combined experience making the most out of a two-year investigation. We can file your claim well before your statute of limitations expires.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWhen to Call a Personal Injury Lawyer
The two-year deadline is firm. If you try to file a car accident claim after your statute of limitations expires, Louisiana judges can waive your right to financial support. With that in mind, the sooner you can contact an experienced car accident attorney in Monroe, LA, the better.
Your initial conversations with a personal injury lawyer do not commit you to long-term legal action. A free case evaluation lets you get to know our team and lets us better understand the circumstances that led to your accident. We can use your first session to outline your right to compensation and propose a few different paths you can take to win compensation.
Those paths can include the following:
- Working with insurance providers to secure financial support
- Arranging out-of-court settlement negotiations with a liable party
- Initiating trial proceedings
Before we can take your case to court, though, we need evidence proving that a negligent party caused your accident. If you contact an attorney within days of an accident, you give your representative more time to bring together the data needed to build your case.
You can contact our team today to learn more about the services we offer car accident survivors like you.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWhat to Expect From a Personal Injury Lawyer
When you work with a car accident lawyer in Monroe, LA, you work with someone who can help you:
Build Up Case Evidence
You need to meet Louisiana’s burden of proof if you want a personal injury case to move forward. Evidence helps you meet that burden. There’s no specific combination of evidence that can lead to a trial. Instead, you can work with experienced investigators to bring forward a range of data that elaborates on the negligence that caused your accident, including the following:
- Witness statements
- Accident debris
- Police statements
- Insurance records
- Expert witness input
- Video and photo footage of the accident
Our team can gather this information on your behalf while you go back to work, get your injuries treated, and get your life back on track.
Value Your Case
Your case has a dollar value. It’s up to you to find it before bringing your request for damages to a judge’s attention. That’s where our attorneys step in. We help you calculate the value of car accident economic and non-economic losses like the following:
- Pain and suffering
- Distress
- Property restoration
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Stress
Once we know the value of your case, we can more effectively fight to put that money in your hands.
Stay On Top of Legal Dialogues
You don’t want to work with an attorney who keeps you in the dark throughout your case. Laborde Earles prioritizes a consistent and clear stream of dialogue not only between our attorneys and our clients but also between you and the defense. You can count on our team to check in with you frequently to update you on the progress of your case.
Moreover, if the defense reaches out with a settlement offer, we can manage those communications to ensure that you’re not intimidated or coerced into accepting an insufficient settlement. We’re on your side 100% of the time.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientLet’s Get Your Life Back on Track
Negligence doesn’t have a place on Louisiana’s interstates. If you’re struggling to recover after an accident that’s someone else’s fault, you can let a car accident attorney in Monroe, LA, know. Laborde Earles can connect you with a legal representative who can prioritize your right to post-accident compensation.
You do not have to go to trial to get the financial support you need to get back on your feet. Instead, our team can tailor your legal experience to best suit your needs without compromising your right to maximize accident compensation.
If you want to book a FREE personal injury case evaluation, you can contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today.