Dock work is important but hazardous. If you suffered an injury while on the job, Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers is on your side. We may be able help you get compensation for your damages by assigning an Alexandria dockworker accident lawyer to protect your rights and interests.
Call us at (318) 777-7777 to get started with a free case review.
Staying Safe on the Job
Your employer has an obligation to provide and maintain safe working conditions. Our Alexandria personal injury lawyers can determine if your employer met their duty of care.
Working on the docks provides many opportunities for workplace injuries, especially if your employer fails to:
- Provide workers with proper safety training
- Provide workers with proper safety equipment
- Regularly maintain, repair, and inspect the equipment
- Prioritize safety over speed and expense
Even if your employer took all legal and reasonable precautions, you could still be injured by:
- Falling objects
- Slip or trip and fall accidents
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Falls from heights
- Falling into, between, or behind equipment
Your injury may be sufficient grounds to collect compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). If you believe your injury was preventable and that your employer did not take proper measures to keep you safe, you may file a lawsuit against them. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you understand your rights and recover the compensation you deserve.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientApplying for the Compensation You Need
If you were injured at work, the LHWCA gives you a right to file a negligence-based lawsuit against your employer. You may also have the option of filing a lawsuit against a fellow employee or some other negligent party involved in your accident.
Your injury may qualify you to recover economic damages (e.g., compensation for financial losses), non-economic damages (e.g., compensation for physical and emotional suffering), or both.
Examples of the types of damages you can sue for include:
- Medical costs: the money you spent or will spend to treat your workplace injuries
- Funeral costs: the amount it cost you to lay your loved one to rest after they died from their workplace injuries
- Loss of income: the wages you could not earn because your injuries forced you to stay home or work fewer hours
- Loss of employment: the fact that your injuries cost you your job and/or forced you out of the field that you trained for
- Pain and suffering: the physical and psychological trauma you sustained due to your injury
- Disability: the permanent loss of physical and/or mental ability
- Loss of society or companionship: the fact that your close relationship with the deceased has been prematurely severed
- Reduced quality of life: the fact that your injuries prevent you from ever resuming your old lifestyle
If you lost a family member in a fatal dock accident, you could claim compensation for your losses. Our wrongful death lawyers in Alexandria will review your case and determine what type of damages you can recover.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientGetting Your Money Is Not Always Easy, but a Lawyer Can Help
Unfortunately, insurance companies often prioritize their bottom line over individuals’ needs. When you file a lawsuit, you may find your way blocked by:
- Denials: The insurance company tries to claim your employer is not responsible for your injury or that you were not injured at all.
- Lowball settlement offers: The insurance company offers you a small amount of money to try to quickly end the case.
- Aggressive attorneys: If you try to negotiate a better settlement on your own, you may be confronted by lawyers whose only job is to save the insurer money.
A lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can help you navigate and even avoid such obstacles.
If you are thinking of filing a lawsuit, you have a limited time to start. Per 46 U.S.C. § 30106, if you do not file a maritime liability lawsuit within three years, you may permanently lose the right to sue the liable party for compensation. However, if for some reason you must instead file a liability-based personal injury lawsuit against a party that is not your employer, you may only have one year to do so under CC Art. 3492.
Call Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (318) 777-7777 to learn more during a free case review.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientWhat an Alexandria Dockworker Accident Lawyer Can Do for You
If you are in Alexandria, Louisiana, and suffered a maritime injury, let Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers represent you. We have recovered hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars for injured dockworkers. Now we want to put our knowledge and experience to work for you. Here is how we can help:
- We work on contingency: In other words, you owe us nothing up front, and you pay us only if you receive compensation.
- We seek out all possible evidence: Your lawyer will collect evidence from a diverse array of sources, including medical records, surveillance footage, and witness testimony.
- We file all paperwork: Whether you need to file an insurance claim or notify the liable party that you are suing them, we can help.
- We talk to the liable party for you: You do not ever have to speak with the liable party, their insurance company, or anyone else associated with the case.
- We negotiate hard: If the insurance company does not pay what you need, our lawyer will push for more.
- We are not afraid of the courtroom: If your lawsuit ends up in court, our lawyer will prepare all necessary exhibits and present your case.
- We are always there for you. Our lawyer will work closely with you, taking as much time as necessary for you to understand your rights and to make smart legal decisions.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientCall Us Today for a Free Consultation
At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we know that you want nothing more than to get better and get back to work. An Alexandria dockworker accident lawyer from our firm can give you the time you need to recover in peace by assuming responsibility for your lawsuit.
Call us today at (318) 777-7777. We will evaluate your case at no charge or obligation to you.