Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can relieve you of some of your hardships right now, such as the legal challenges around a case against the at-fault party. We can also recover damages for your family, which can relieve you of your financial challenges. During a free consultation, we can review your legal options and explain how a Lake Charles comatose patient lawyer from our personal injury law firm can help you.
What Are Recoverable Damages in a Lake Charles Comatose Patient Case?
In a case involving a patient in a coma, the damages may not be apparent. Their losses may depend on the coma’s duration and if complications occur while they are unconscious. There could be many other factors, such as if the patient suffered a permanent brain injury. The person’s family may have many damages, including intangible damages that can be challenging to identify.
Additionally, since intensive care for a coma victim can be especially high, the family may incur a great deal of medical debt that could become impossible for the family to pay off. Depending on your case’s circumstances, you might be able to recover several physical, mental, emotional, and financial damages for your loved one and the rest of your family. A catastrophic injury lawyer from our firm can clarify whether you could pursue and recover:
- Physical pain and suffering
- Physical and/or mental disability
- Mental and emotional anguish or trauma
- Loss of consortium and enjoyment of life
- Lost income for your family
- Medical expenses, including expenses for intensive care, rehabilitation, and/or extended care
Additional Damages in a Comatose Patient Lawyer Case
You may also be able to recover punitive damages if a judge decides the at-fault party was grossly negligent in your case. Punitive damages punish an at-fault party for their negligence and help compensate a plaintiff.
Your loved one’s future may be uncertain. If this is the case, a lawyer from our firm can tell you about other damages your family may be able to recover.
For example, if a drunk driver injured the victim in a motorcycle accident, the case may qualify for punitive damages. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Lake Charles will help hold the at-fault party accountable.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWho Is Liable for Injuries and Losses in a Lake Charles Coma Patient Case?
You may be feeling many different emotions right now. One of them may be anger toward the at-fault party. You might be certain you know who this party is, and you might be right. But if another party is responsible or if multiple parties share liability, you will want to identify them. Depending on the incident that caused your loved one’s injuries, a liable party could be a motorist, a motorist’s employer, a doctor, or another party. Our Lake Charles lawyer can identify all potentially liable parties for you.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWhy Work With a Lake Charles Comatose Patient Lawyer?
In addition to identifying your family’s damages for you and the party (or parties) responsible for them, a lawyer from our firm can manage all your case’s tasks. You’ll have more time and energy to spend with your family while your lawyer takes care of:
- Assessing your financial damages: To come up with a fair monetary value for your case, your lawyer must assign monetary values to your intangible losses, like emotional damages. This can be especially hard for claimants to do on their own.
- Proving the other party’s liability: To prove liability in your case, your lawyer will seek out and show evidence of liability and then show how negligence is a factor in your case. The evidence could be camera footage and/or witness testimony, for example, and the elements of negligence include duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages.
- Communicating with all parties: An attorney will manage communications for you so that you won’t have to deal with the insurance company, any medical professionals, or any other parties,
- Negotiating a settlement: You and your lawyer may want to sue the other party right away and skip negotiating with the insurance company. However, if you’re open to negotiations, your lawyer could request a fair settlement from the insurer.
- Seeking your recovery at trial: We understand a settlement may not satisfy your case’s demands, especially if your loved one needs future care. Your lawyer can litigate your case at any point and will prepare, serve, and resolve your lawsuit for you.
- Meeting the lawsuit filing deadline: An attorney can prepare and file your lawsuit by the state’s filing deadline. Depending on the incident your loved one suffered, this deadline could vary.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientWhy Should I Hire Your Lake Charles Coma Patient Lawyer for My Case?
There are many reasons our lawyers can handle your case. For one, our team realizes how sensitive your family’s situation is. You can expect your lawyer to handle your case with care. We also understand your family wants justice, so you can expect our lawyer to protect your rights while ensuring the other party treats you fairly during the process.
To date, our team has recovered over $200 million for clients, and our Lake Charles personal injury lawyers collectively have over 350 years of experience. Much of this experience is with catastrophic injury cases like yours, so we are confident we can manage your case.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientContact Us Today for Help From a Coma Lawyer in Lake Charles, LA
If you’d like to learn more about our team and consult with us, call our office today. We can tell you more about how one of our Lake Charles comatose patient lawyers can take on your legal challenges and work to recover damages for your family. We’ll also explain how your attorney team can work for you on contingency, which requires no fees or costs up front.
Contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today for your free consultation.