If you or someone you love was injured in a recent car accident, you can hold the at-fault driver responsible for your injuries and the resulting medical bills. It can be complicated to recover damages for many of the common injuries with late or delayed-onset symptoms, though.
The guidance and support of a car accident lawyer can streamline this process. They will advocate for you, consult medical experts, and take on the insurance company on your behalf. You can rely on them to fight for the best possible settlement for you.
What Can Cause Delayed Symptoms After a Car Accident?
Many factors can cause a delay in the onset of symptoms of car accident injuries. For example, the upset and shock of the accident could lead to an adrenaline rush that could initially mask symptoms. Additionally:
- Injuries that require immediate treatment could cause other injuries to be overlooked.
- Some symptoms could be initially misconstrued or misunderstood.
- You might be too focused on other injured parties to notice your own injury symptoms.
Review immediate and delayed symptoms with a healthcare professional and accept all required treatment. You should also consider consulting a personal injury lawyer who can document your injuries and hold the other party responsible for the immediate and ongoing medical costs.
How Whiplash Might Initially Go Unnoticed
Whiplash is a serious injury caused by having your neck suddenly, forcefully, and repeatedly whipped back and forth. Symptoms of whiplash can include:
- Pain and stiffness
- Decreased range of motion
- Headaches
- Shoulder pain and tenderness
- Arm tingling or numbness
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Blurry vision
- Tinnitus
- Sleep disturbances
- Irritability
- Difficulty focusing
- Memory issues
- Depression
According to Mayo Clinic, whiplash is a commonly reported injury after a rear-end collision, and its symptoms can take days to manifest.
How Head and Brain Injuries Might Initially Go Unnoticed
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cites the sometimes-gradual appearance of head and brain injuries.
- Abrupt mood changes
- Anxiety or nervousness
- Emotional overwhelm
- Fatigue or restlessness
- Jumbled thoughts
- Lack of mental clarity
- Light and noise sensitivity
- Memory impairment
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sleep disorders
- Social awkwardness
- Trouble maintaining balance
- Vision problems
Symptoms of a head or brain injury can be challenging to detect at first. For example, an injured loved one may not readily admit to the signs of injury due to cognitive confusion.
If you believe you have a head injury or are caring for a loved one after an accident and notice these symptoms, get medical help right away.
How Internal Injuries Might Initially Go Unnoticed
You could sustain more than one internal injury after a car accident. Commonly reported internal injuries can include:
- Internal bleeding
- Broken ribs
- Damaged lungs
- Fractured collarbone
- Spleen damage
- Liver damage
- Abdominal injuries
Symptoms of internal bleeding or other internal injuries that might appear gradually include:
- Breathlessness or clamminess
- Headache or dizziness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Pain at the injury site
- Sudden loss of consciousness
- Swollen or distended abdomen
Additional symptoms can include bruising, especially seatbelt bruising, skin discoloration, fever, and bloody urine. Seek medical care as your symptoms become increasingly apparent.
How Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Might Initially Go Unnoticed
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is marked by severe anxiety, especially after a triggering event. PTSD can make coping with and living with the aftermath of the accident challenging. According to Mayo Clinic research, PTSD symptoms can include:
- Intrusive, recurrent, and unwanted memories of the accident
- Avoiding talking about the accident, its aftermath, or your feelings
- Persistent negative thoughts and feelings of hopelessness
- Changes in physical and emotional reactions, including being easily startled
The symptoms you experience may intensify over time or worsen in stressful situations. Seek medical attention as soon as symptoms start to appear to get a definitive diagnosis and begin treatment.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientHow Can I Connect Injuries With Delayed Symptoms to My Car Accident?
You do not have to take on the daunting task of managing an injury case on your own. When a lawyer represents you, they can prove the cause of your injuries and their connection to your accident. The evidence they may collect for you can include:
- Medical records
- Medical bills
- The accident report
- Diagnostic records
- Available Injury photos
- Accident scene photos
- Witness statements
Your lawyer may also consult car accident and medical experts who support the cause of your injuries and who will provide verbal and written testimony on your behalf.
Can I Still Get Compensation for Injuries That Showed Up Later?
The at-fault driver and their insurance company can be compelled to compensate you after your legal team documents their negligence. Your lawyer can pursue coverage of your:
- Past and future medical bills
- Emergency room treatment
- Hospital admissions
- Assistive medical devices
- Therapy and rehabilitation
- Treatment-related travel
- In-home medical support
In addition to the costs of treating your injuries until you reach maximum medical improvement, your car accident attorney may demand compensation for your lost income, disability, disfigurement, pain and suffering, mental and emotional anguish, and loss of enjoyment of life.

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Rick Smith | ClientContact Our Car Accident Team 24/7
If you or someone you love was injured in a car accident, you are entitled to seek financial compensation. Our car accident lawyer will document your injuries, including those with delayed-onset symptoms, and fight for coverage of your medical bills and other losses.
Find out how hard our personal injury team at Laborde Earles will fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Get started by contacting our case review team today. We give free consultations and work on contingency.