You may already know that a motorcycle crash is likely to cause severe injuries. What you may not know, though, is that the vast majority of motorcycle accidents stem from human errors such as speeding, driving under the influence, and tailgating.
It is critical that all riders understand the dangers of these reckless behaviors and avoid the temptation to break traffic laws. Motorcycle crash fatalities are on the rise, and those who are lucky enough to survive often suffer debilitating injuries.
Unfortunately, even the most diligent riders can fall victim to drunk, distracted, and negligent drivers. If you were hurt in a motorcycle crash, contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers.
A Lafayette auto accident attorney will investigate your collision, examine the police report, and help you fight for the maximum payout. Our lawyers have 350 years of combined experience protecting the rights of the injured. Schedule a free consultation today by calling 800-522-6733.
Read on to learn four surprising motorcycle accident statistics:
- 31 States Do Not Have a Universal Helmet Law
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 31 states do not have a universal helmet law; however, Louisiana does have such a law. Although wearing a helmet does not guarantee that you will survive an accident unscathed, it is still the most effective piece of motorcycle safety gear.
- July Is the Deadliest Month for Motorcyclists
Data from the IIHS shows that 60 percent of deadly motorcycle accidents occur between May and September. The month of July has the highest death toll.
- Fatal Motorcycle Collisions Are on the Rise
The last decade has seen significant breakthroughs in motorcycle safety gear; however, IIHS data shows that motorcycle deaths are on the rise. There was a decline in the fatality rate between the early 1980s and 1990s. That trend changed when motorcycle riding grew more popular in the early 21st century. There were twice as many fatalities in 2015 as there were in 1997.
- 27 Percent of Riders Involved in Fatal Accidents Had a BAC of 0.08 or Higher
This statistic was published by the Insurance Information Institute. That percentage is higher than the same statistic for passenger vehicle drivers, light truck drivers, and large truck drivers.
Even if you never violate traffic laws, all it takes is one negligent driver to cause a tragedy. If you were injured or lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, turn to Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers.
A Lafayette injury lawyer will help you fight for the maximum settlement. If your case goes to trial, our attorneys have the litigation experience and resources to represent your interests in court.
We will help you avoid costly mistakes such as missing important deadlines, overlooking certain damages, or missing doctor’s appointments. Call 800-522-6733 today to schedule a free initial consultation.