At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, our team of fatal car accident attorneys can help you determine the best steps for your family following the death of your loved one. We can discuss your options with you, determine what damages you should be compensated for, then file a lawsuit against the negligent party. When you are ready to speak with a fatal car accident lawyer in Hammond, LA, we are ready to help.
Economic vs. Non-Economic Damages
After an accident that was severe enough to cause injuries, there will be economic and non-economic damages. These damages could result from a slip-and-fall accident, a bicycle accident, or even an accident caused by product liability. If a car accident results in death, then both economic and non-economic damages are still recoverable.
Economic Damages
Economic damages have an easily definable monetary value associated with them. This could be because they come with a receipt or bill, or because they can be defined by past paychecks. These damages include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Property Damage
In the event of a fatality, these damages can also include:
- Burial expenses
- Funeral expenses
- The deceased’s lost future income
- Lost benefits
You should receive compensation for all of the economic damages that you, your family, and your deceased loved one suffer.
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages can be a bit more difficult to place a monetary value on, but they are an integral part of your lawsuit. These types of damages are comprised of things that do not have a distinct monetary value. These damages include, but are not limited to:
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of companionship
- Loss of enjoyment of life
These damages relate to both the deceased and the person filing the lawsuit. For instance, the deceased’s pain and suffering are recoverable, but so is their loved one’s loss of enjoyment of life after their death.
To learn more about what non-economic damages you qualify for, speak with your fatal car accident lawyer in Hammond, LA about everything that you, your family, and the deceased have experienced as a result of the car accident.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientFiling a Wrongful Death Lawsuit
After the death of your loved one, the negligent party’s insurance company may offer you a sum of money to cover damages that were suffered. We recommend that you do not accept the first offer you receive. It may not be sufficient for the damages suffered, and it can be beneficial to have an experienced attorney review the settlement offer.
If your attorney determines that the offer is too low, then you can file a wrongful death lawsuit.
When to File
Under Louisiana law, you have one year from the time of death to file a wrongful death lawsuit. If you do not adhere to this statute of limitations, then you may not be able to recover compensation for damages.
Who Can File?
In Louisiana, only one wrongful death lawsuit can be brought against the negligent party. This is to prevent all surviving family members from filing a lawsuit against the same person. The people who can file a lawsuit are:
- Surviving spouse and children
- Surviving parents in the absence of a spouse or children
- Surviving siblings in the absence of parents, spouse, or children
- Surviving grandparents in the absence of siblings, parents, spouse, or children
Those related through adoption can file a lawsuit. However, if parents abandoned their child when they were a minority, then they would not be considered surviving parents of the deceased.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWhy Choose Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers
We understand that there are many law firms you could select to represent you and your family following a fatal car accident. We consider it an honor when you choose us. Once you elect us to represent you, we get to work to ensure that your results are optimal.
Years of Experience
Our team of lawyers has over 350 years of combined experience working on personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits. This experience has allowed us to provide our clients with substantial financial gain. In just one judgment, we were able to provide the family of a deceased mother with a $23 million settlement.
Determining Liability
When it comes to filing a lawsuit, you must determine who the lawsuit should be filed against. In order to do this, your attorney will need to review documentation and police reports.
At Labore Earles Injury Lawyers, our team has seen many types of cases, including those that have unexpected liable parties. We will use our past experience and knowledge of Louisiana law to determine who was negligent and caused your loved one’s death.
Free Consultations
When you elect to have us represent you, you can relax knowing that you will not have to pay anything for our services. If we do reach a settlement or positive verdict for you, then we will collect our fee. However, if we do not, then you do not owe us anything.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientContact Our Car Accident Lawyer Today
A fatal car accident can turn the life of you and your family upside down. The untimely death of a loved one can leave you scrambling to pay bills while trying to find the money to give them the funeral and burial they desire. As you struggle financially and emotionally, you may be wondering how you will ever be able to recover. Thankfully, you have options for assistance.
At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we can help you and your family recover the damages that you are entitled to. We can review your loved one’s accident, determine liability, and ensure that you recover all the damages you should. We will work tirelessly on your behalf so that you can focus on your family and your loved one’s memory. When you need a fatal car accident lawyer in Hammond, Louisiana, call us for a free consultation.