A car accident lawyer can protect your interests, especially if the other party in the car accident argues that you are partly at fault. A lawyer can also ensure that you are able to recover full or partial damages if you are partly liable for the accident.
What Actions Can Protect Your Interests After an Accident
The first step you need to take after a car accident is to check yourself for any visible injuries and contact emergency services. It is important to note that the shock and adrenaline of the accident may prevent you from realizing the extent of your injuries. Do not leave the scene of the accident, as doing so may void your right to claim damages even if you are not at fault.
If you are not insured at the time of the accident, you can still recover damages. But the state limits the amount of damages you can receive for bodily injury and property damage. You should exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties.
In such a case, it is advisable to contact a car accident lawyer. A lawyer can:
- Advise you on what more you can do to protect your interests
- Investigate the accident to determine the cause
- Work with expert witnesses who can testify to support your claim
- Begin negotiations with the liable party’s insurer
- Collect witness statements
You should also inform your insurance provider of the accident. Reporting the accident to your insurance provider may be one of the conditions set to recover damages if the liable party flees or is not insured.
A car accident lawyer can protect your interests given the unique circumstances of the accident. A lawyer can help you pursue your personal injury claim in a timely manner without missing the two-year limit set by the state.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientGoing to Court to Make a Personal Injury Claim
You can take the liable party to court to recover damages, but this is not always a suitable option. The litigation process is often time-consuming, and the court decides the settlement amount you receive. A Ledoux car accident lawyer can negotiate with the liable party’s insurer and ensure there is no need to go to court.
Even if you go to court, you may have to settle the matter outside court. A personal injury attorney can ensure you have sufficient evidence supporting your claim in order to get the liable party’s insurer to pay you the true value of your damages. A lawyer can also protect you from being intimidated into accepting a low settlement offer.
You may have no other recourse but to go to court after a car accident if the liable party’s insurer completely denies your claim. You may also have to go to court if you missed the statute of limitations in special cases. You may be able to bring a case if the statute lapses when:
- You discovered you sustained injuries much later after the accident
- You were under the age of 18 at the time of the accident
- The liable party fled the state after the accident
You may also have to go to court if you were partly at fault for the accident. The court will determine the amount of damages you can receive based on your percentage of fault.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientWhat Factors Will Go into Calculating the Value of Your Claim?
A Ledoux car accident lawyer can help calculate your claim. A lawyer knows the economic and non-economic damages that you can recover after a car accident. The main factors that determine the value of a personal injury claim is the cost of treatment for injuries sustained and value of property damaged.
The value of a personal injury claim is much different from a wrongful death claim. If you have lost a family member in a car accident, the factors that will determine the worth of your claim will be:
- Medical costs left behind by the deceased
- The deceased’s value of life
- Burial costs
- Loss of financial support formerly provided by the deceased
Having legal representation ensures that your personal injury claim is not undervalued. The insurance adjuster will do everything in their power to reduce the amount they have to pay.
The insurance adjuster will try to use everything you said or did immediately after the accident as a reason to pay you a lower settlement. A personal injury lawyer can negotiate with insurance companies. This can work to your advantage when valuing your claim and getting the liable party’s insurer to payout the settlement.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientThe Cost of Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer
Injured parties often do not get legal representation due to the fear of hiring costs. At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we work on a contingency fee policy. This means that you do not have to incur any hiring costs if we do not help you get compensated.
As the injured party, you have the burden of proof to show that the liable party was negligent. Such a responsibility confers a lot of responsibility on your shoulders at a time when you should be receiving treatment for the injuries you have sustained.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that there were 51,360 fatal accidents in Louisiana. Many of such accidents only result in partial or no recovery of damages. A car accident lawyer can evaluate your case and determine the value of your claim.

They treated us like no other people would. Whenever we needed something they were there for us. I put my trust in them and I don’t regret it.
ClientContact Ledoux Car Accident Lawyer Today
A Ledoux car accident lawyer can make the difference between whether you receive a low settlement or recover full damages. Consider consulting a lawyer immediately after sustaining injuries or property damage in a car accident in Ledoux.
Contact Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today to get a free consultation.