If you or a loved one were involved in a side-impact car crash, Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers might be able to help. A Jefferson Parish side-impact collision lawyer can take on all the legal responsibilities on your behalf. Choosing to hire a lawyer will allow you to seek compensation without shouldering the legal burden all alone. Contact our office today at (504) 777-7777 when you are ready to start.
How Car Accidents Can Impact Your Life
The most difficult part of recovering from a car crash is the physical and psychological pain. Whether you suffered temporary injuries, like cuts and fractures, or permanent injuries like brain damage, car accident injuries can completely change your life.
In addition to the physical and emotional pain, accident injuries are expensive. A car crash can leave you with a damaged or inoperable automobile, forcing you to pay for repairs and alternate modes of transportation. These consequences can make it difficult for you to get to work and perform your usual daily tasks.
Then there is the money you spent or lost because of your injuries. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, in 2012 alone, Americans spent $18 billion treating crash-related injuries, most of it in the first year and a half after the accident. That same year, Americans lost $33 billion in income because their crash-related injuries prevented them from working.
No matter how your car accident affected you, you should not have to go through this difficult period alone. Get in touch with Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers to manage your legal needs. Call us today at (504) 777-7777 to learn how a Jefferson Parish side-impact collision lawyer can help you with your case.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientQualifying for Compensatory Damages
“Compensatory damages” is the legal term for money that accident victims can sue to collect. These awards can help you support your family, cover medical and other bills you incurred because of the accident, and compensate you for things you have endured.
If the accident cost you money, consider suing for economic damages. You may be entitled to such damages if you experienced any of the following:
- Lost income, e.g., paychecks you could not earn because of your injuries
- Lost earning capacity, e.g., your ability to earn a living and support yourself has been diminished by your injuries
- Repair costs, e.g., getting your car fixed and/or renting a car until yours was ready
- Medical costs, e.g., receiving professional medical help to manage your injuries, either short-term or long-term
If the accident cost you your physical or mental health, consider suing for noneconomic damages. You may be entitled to such damages if you experienced any of the following:
- Disfigurement, e.g., painful or obvious scarring caused by your injuries
- Disability, e.g., the body parts, functions, or systems you can no longer use due to your injuries
- Quality of life, e.g., your ability to enjoy an independent, pain-free life has been taken from you
- Pain and suffering, e.g., the pain (either physical or mental) of your injuries

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientHow Hiring a Lawyer Can Help You
According to the Louisiana Department of Transportation, liability insurance is required for all car owners. This insurance will cover any damage or injuries caused by an accident, as well as monetary compensation if you are the subject of a lawsuit.
Therefore, if you sue another driver, you are not seeking compensation from them directly. Rather, you are seeking compensation from an insurance company that has been sued before and has retained lawyers to find ways of reducing the amount they have to pay accident victims like you. The liable party may also have lawyers of their own on hand to protect their reputation and interests.
Do not let this keep you from pursuing much-needed compensation. Instead, hire a lawyer to seek compensation on your behalf. We can accomplish this by:
- Searching for evidence: To support your version of events, we will comb through your medical records, surveillance footage, any available photos, and more.
- Finalizing damages: You may already have a good idea of what damages you qualify to receive. We will calculate them and make sure they completely and accurately reflect your injuries and losses.
- Taking care of paperwork: We can take care of even the seemingly small legal details, like filling out forms.
- Managing communications: We will act as a messenger between you and the liable party. Do not speak to them or their representatives without us.
- Representing you: Whether at negotiations or in the courtroom, your lawyer will make all arguments and submit all evidence for you.
- Providing guidance: Do not be shy about contacting us with questions or concerns. We want to help however we can, and that includes making sure you understand what is going on with your case.
All of these services cost you nothing upfront. We have no interest in making your current financial difficulties worse. That is why we work on a contingency-fee-basis. We hold off on charging you fees until you have received compensatory damages. In the event you do not recover damages, you do not have to pay us anything.
At Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers, we see the devastating impacts of car accidents regularly. We know that you would much rather spend your recovery at home with your family than negotiating with insurance representatives. A Jefferson Parish side-impact collision lawyer from our office can give you the chance to do just that. Call us today at (504) 777-7777 to learn more about what we can do for you.