Our Fatal Car Accident Attorneys Represent Henderson, LA Families
Our attorneys can guide you through the steps of a wrongful death case as you honor the life of your loved one. We can help with day-to-day struggles like fielding calls from adjusters, accessing resources, and filing the necessary paperwork. Your daily struggles matter as much as the big picture.
Following a fatal crash, a car accident lawyer from Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers can:
- Document your loved one’s losses
- Compile evidence of negligence
- Talk to insurance adjusters
- Communicate with all parties
- Mediate disputes
- Negotiate for compensation
- Advise you of your rights
- Identify when to file a lawsuit
We Get Answers
A sudden loss comes with many questions. Our investigators seek to answer those questions to provide you closure and pursue justice through compensation.
We can compile evidence like:
- Photos of the accident, the scene, and the debris
- Video from traffic cameras, businesses, and bystanders
- Reports from police and eyewitnesses
- Medical records and doctor’s notes
- Expert analysis, accident reconstruction, and testimony
- Commercial truck transportation logs
- Rideshare app data
- Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or drug test results
- Emails, social media posts, phone records, or text history
For instance, if you lost a loved one in a fatal truck accident in Henderson, we can use the driver’s transportation logs to determine if they violated hours-of-service regulations. We can also seek testing to see if drug or alcohol impairment played a role.
These are a few examples of how we can investigate, gather evidence, and build a case. Whatever factors contributed to your loved one’s passing, our fatal car accident lawyers can investigate your suspicions and work on getting answers.
We Support Families
Louisiana grants several surviving family members the right to pursue legal action. According to CC Art. 2315.2, the following can file a wrongful death lawsuit within a year of the loss:
- Spouse
- Children
- Parents, if none of the above exist
- Siblings, if none of the above exist
- Grandparents, if none of the above exist
In pursuing wrongful death cases, our fatal injury attorneys in Henderson, LA will work to get recognition for all parts of your life affected by this loss. We can advise you of your rights as surviving family members and work to protect them throughout your case.
Since you only have a year to file a lawsuit, don’t hesitate to reach out to our wrongful death attorneys to learn more.
We Go After Results
The team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers has helped clients receive millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts. One recent success resulted in a $23 million judgment in a wrongful death case.
Our case results illustrate our commitment to obtaining recoveries for clients. The outcome of your case depends on the details of your situation, however. We will work to have those details recognized so that your compensation is personalized.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientWe Pursue Meaningful Compensation for the Families of Fatal Accident Victims
The compensation available varies based on the circumstances of each case. That said, we can pursue damages for:
- Any remaining medical bills
- Hospice and end-of-life care
- Income your loved one would have provided
Any bills or losses you wouldn’t have faced were it not for your loved one’s passing can be part of your case. Even out-of-pocket expenses can be part of your compensation. We can take stock of these losses with you so that you aren’t overwhelmed while still processing your grief.
Honoring Their Final Wishes
More than just covering bills and losses related to the accident, wrongful death compensation can enable families to properly honor their loved one by providing funeral and burial costs.
You could seek compensation for:
- Embalming
- Caskets or urns
- Cremation or burial
- Viewing
- Funeral or memorial service
- Graveside service
- Monuments
If your loved one had specific requests for their funeral or memorial, we can work to include this in your compensation. Our fatal auto accident lawyers in Henderson, LA focus on making sure the responsible party provides appropriate damages to honor the life that was lost.
Compensation for Family Members
In addition to compensating you for the financial hardships of a sudden loss, a wrongful death claim or suit can compensate your family for the intangible damages you experienced. Specific damages may include:
- Loss of guidance
- Loss of support
- Loss of companionship
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
Grief and loss are not easily quantifiable. However, we work to understand your relationship to the deceased and how your life was altered by their absence. Then, our lawyers use our experience to determine an amount we can ask for in a claim or lawsuit.
As this aspect of your case is deeply personal, you want to make sure you trust the team advocating for you. The attorneys and staff at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers take the time to listen to your story and pursue compensation according to the specific challenges you now face.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientOur Henderson, LA Lawyers Can Help With Several Fatal Car Accident Types
Our fatal car accident attorneys have experience representing cases involving any of the following forms of negligence:
- Wrong-way driving
- Improper turns
- Sideswipes
- Distracted driving
- Speeding
- Impaired driving
- Running red lights or traffic signs
- Aggressive driving
- Following too closely
If any of these or another form of negligence applies to your case, you could have grounds for pursuing compensation in Henderson.

The reassurance from Digger and his staff gave me that renewed hope that it’s going to be okay down the road.
ClientWe Offer Free Case Reviews for Families of Fatal Auto Accidents
With multiple office locations, 24/7 availability, assistance in Spanish, and free initial consultations, you can get answers today about your family member’s Henderson crash. Our fatal car accident lawyers can start right away, so don’t wait to contact us.