Evangeline Parish had 291 car crashes in 2019 that resulted in injury. While Chataignier was on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of contributing to parish statistics, you can still be the victim of a car accident that causes injury or death at any moment on the roads of Chataignier.
If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a car accident in or near Chataignier, our firm may be able to help. Call our team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777 for a free consultation.
Several Factors Make Louisianan Roads Dangerous
Louisianans are known for their zest for life. For some, this means indulging in a cold beer, glass of wine, or Sazerac from time to time. Unfortunately, the reputation as a state that enjoys alcohol has translated to drunk driving rates being significantly above the national average, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Aside from the threat of drunk drivers, people in Chataignier may face dangers linked to the degenerating road conditions in Louisiana’s most rural parishes. Poor road conditions—along with unsafe driving behaviors—put you and others on the roads of Chataignier at risk of negligence in multiple forms.
Forms of Negligence on Louisianan Roads
When a car accident happens, the fault typically falls on one of the drivers. If you or your loved one was in an accident in Chataignier, there is a decent chance that something another motorist did or did not do caused the accident, which may have contributed to or directly caused your injuries.
Some forms of motorist negligence are:
- Driving faster than the posted speed limit
- Passing illegally
- Failing to maintain adequate distance from the vehicle in front
- Driving without functional safety equipment, such as brakes, headlights, mirrors, and brake lights
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Turning or merging without using signals
- Eating or drinking while driving
- Using a mobile device for any reason, including texting, while driving
- Changing the car’s radio or other features of its entertainment system while driving
- Turning into or across oncoming traffic without a safe distance
You may have been the victim of a form of motorist negligence that is not listed here. If your accident was recent, there are several steps that you can take immediately to maintain your options for pursuing compensation.

Laborde Earles injury was great for me they took care of me very fast and professional. If for any reason I need legal help they will be who I use.
ClientHow to Proceed After an Accident
In the aftermath of a car accident, ensuring your safety from further harm is most important. So, after the collision, you should:
- Move to a safe place off the roadway as soon as it is clear that no cars are oncoming
- Call the authorities (911), who will ensure that medical professionals come to the scene of the accident
- Take emergency transportation (e.g., an ambulance) to receive further medical treatment
- Obtain documentation of all treatment that you receive
Make sure you obtain the contact and insurance information from the other motorist before departing the scene. Obtaining documentation of your injuries and treatment will allow you to display your losses in any lawsuit that you bring later. You should also take care of several administrative tasks after you have attended to your health. These tasks include:
- Filing an accident report
- Filing a claim with your insurance company
- Obtaining a copy of the police report for your accident
- Should you choose, getting a lawyer to build a case for compensation that you may need
A Chataignier car accident lawyer may be able to further advise you on what you can expect, should you choose to bring litigation. Call our team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777 for a free consultation.
What a Lawyer May Do for You
Should you choose to reach out to a lawyer’s team after your accident, you may be considering bringing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. A Chataignier car accident lawyer will start by:
- Getting the facts of your accident
- Determining whether you may have been the victim of negligence
- Explaining the next steps in bringing a lawsuit
- Proceeding with the lawsuit, should you choose to
Moving forward with a lawsuit may require your lawyer to:
- Conduct further research into your accident and any parties who may have contributed to your injuries
- Collect all evidence pertaining to your accident
- Draft the paperwork to file your case in the appropriate legal venue
- Explore any settlement options available to you
- Argue your case at trial
- Defend your rights throughout the entire legal process
It is possible that more than one party could be named as defendants in any lawsuit that you file. Some possible defendants in a Chataignier car accident lawsuit could include:
- The motorist that caused your accident
- Local government, if local road conditions contributed to the collision
- State government, if state road conditions contributed to your collision
- Any other party who contributed to your accident
The defendant or defendants in your case could ultimately be found responsible for your losses, which may include:
- Medical expenses resulting from the accident
- Salary or wages that you lost because of your injuries
- Pain and suffering
- Funeral expenses, if you are bringing a wrongful death lawsuit
- Other expenses related to the loss of your loved one, if you are bringing a wrongful death lawsuit
You can speak with a Chataignier car accident lawyer’s team today to find out more about your eligibility to bring a lawsuit in pursuit of any compensation that you are entitled to.

I thank God for Digger & David. I don’t know what we would have done if it hadn’t have been for them.
Rick Smith | ClientCall Our Team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers Today
We care about the community of Louisiana, including the good people of Chataignier. If you have been harmed by somebody’s actions, we want to fight for the compensation that you may be entitled to. Call our team at Laborde Earles Injury Lawyers today at (337) 777-7777 to speak about your accident and a possible case for awards. The call costs you nothing.